
Call for Papers

Theme: The Criminalization of Race in History and Global Societies
Subtitle: Social Activism and Equal Justice
Type: 4th Biennial Interdisciplinary International Conference on Race
Institution: Monmouth University
Location: West Long Branch, NJ (USA)
Date: 16.–18.4.2015
Deadline: 1.11.2014


The criminalization of race, mass incarceration, and the emergence of
the prison industrial complex have been significant occurrences in
modern world history. The U.S. has incarcerated more people
(primarily men of color) than any other society in history with a
current prison population of 2.3 million. The increase in the prison
population in places such as the U.S., Brazil, and China has made
mass incarceration a global social crisis.

This conference asks scholars from multiple disciplinary perspectives
to explore race and criminal justice throughout history and across
global societies with an emphasis on social activism and equal
justice. How have scholars and activists in general responded to the
social crisis of what Michel Foucault defined as the "carceral"
state? What about prison education programs and challenges to such
initiatives? What about the connections between race, gender, and
class in the emergence of mass incarceration? How have the rates of
incarceration varied over time and space? What are some of the
connections between the criminalization of race, rates of
incarceration, and the prison industrial complex in global societies?

Keynote Speakers:
- Sarah Burns (co-director of The Central Park Five and author of the
  text on the same incident)
- Dr. Donna Murch (Associate Professor of History, Rutgers University)

We welcome individual papers or panel proposals that address these
questions or other aspects of race and criminal justice from
historical, anthropological, sociological, legal, cultural,
political, etc. perspectives. Papers related to the topic of race
more generally are also welcome. Please contact Hettie V. Williams,
Lecturer in African American History, Department of History and
Anthropology, at hwill...@monmouth.edu for more details.

The conference webpage can be accessed at:

Proposal Guidelines:
Send a 150-word abstract and title for each paper, one-page
curriculum vitae for each participant, and contact information for
each presenter by November 1, 2014 to Dr. Maryanne Rhett at:

Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Race and the U.S. Criminal Justice System
- Prison Education Programs
- Prison Literature
- Prison Labor and Corporations
- Surveillance of Black Male Bodies
- The Carceral State
- African American Women in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
- The School to Prison Pipeline
- Race and the History of Mandatory Minimums
- Race and the Criminal Justice System in Popular Media
- African Americans and Police Brutality
- Race, Gender, and Justice
- Lynch Law in Global Perspective
- Race and Sentencing
- Mass Incarceration in World Societies
- Race, Class, and Incarceration

The Monmouth University Conference on race is a biennial
interdisciplinary and international conference on race that has taken
place since 2008. This conference brings together scholars on race
across multiple disciplines from more than fifteen U.S. states, four
continents, and twelve nations.


Dr. Maryanne Rhett
Department of History and Anthropology
Monmouth University
333 Howard Hall
400 Cedar Avenue
West Long Branch, NJ 07764-1898
Phone: +1 732 263-5768
Email: mrh...@monmouth.edu
Web: http://www.monmouth.edu/race


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