
Call for Publications

Theme: Global Cities
Publication: Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation
Date: Issue 3 (October 2014)
Deadline: 30.9.2014


“Glocalism”, a peer-reviewed, open-access and cross-disciplinary
journal, is currently accepting manuscripts for publication.

Cities are the spaces in which the global economy finds its raison
d’être, and global politics finds its crises and new expression.
Cities are the confluence of technological, material, monetary, and
migratory flows. Above all, they are the manifestation of the new
society, of innovation, and of the concretization of heretofore
unknown possibilities for humanity.

Thus, cities must be conceptually reconfigured with respect to their
new global context, avoiding the reductionism of merely reflecting on
urbanization processes and, instead, using the urban context to
envisage political practices of globalization. Today, the political
nature of spatial relationships has emerged in all its dramatic
force, due to the physical contraction of the spaces of life and the
intensification of human relations. In other words, a new idea of
citizenship is at stake. After the “glocal” citizenship has been
defined, we should discuss whether we can speak of values and
practices inherent to this political community and whether we can (or
should) speak of a new idea of democratic participation and a new
form of political representation.

To this end, traditional political categories are no longer
sufficient to fathom the deliberate and involuntary deployments of
global policy. We need to foster the process with new conceptual
categories, whose roots lie deep in the – variegated and dynamic –
empirical reality of globalization. We must contextually analyze the
new social practices, which find their expression in cities, around
cities, and in the polyarchic relationships between cities. In point
of fact, the global network of cities seems to have become the new
form of governance and the new manifestation of polity that is
increasingly being constructed.

We welcome studies in any field, with or without comparative
approach, that address both the practical effects and the theoretical

Articles can be in any language and of a length chosen by the author,
while the abstract and keywords must be in English.

All articles should be sent to:

Papers deadline: September 30, 2014.
This issue is scheduled to appear in end-October.

To see the official call for papers, please visit the website at


Dr Davide Cadeddu, Executive Editor
Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation
Department of Historical Studies
University of Milan
Via Festa del Perdono 7
I-20122 Milano
Email: davidecade...@virgilio.it
Web: http://www.glocalismjournal.net


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