
Call for Publications

Theme: Global Ethics and the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Publication: Journal of Global Ethics
Date: Issue 11:1
Deadline: 1.12.2014


As the era of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals comes
to a close we turn our eyes to the post-2015 agenda, dubbed the
Sustainable Development Goals (http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org).
Work has proceeded on the new agenda since the Rio+20 Conference on
Sustainable Development in 2012, and has found shape in the Open
Working Group’s recently released “Outcome document”:

Fifteen years on, the vision has evidently become more inclusive,
representing more voices and engaging broader ethical concerns than
those found in the Millennium Development Goals. Climate justice,
human security and changing shapes of governance have infused the new
agenda, further increasing the relevance of this endeavour to Journal
of Global Ethics. We invite critical reflection on the merits of
these new goals and of their implementation, and we invite ethical
assessment of the general approach to development that is to be found
in this renewed cosmopolitan initiative.

Invitations to contribute to the forum will go to various area
leaders this fall. We simultaneously present an open request for
similar contributions from our readership. This is an opportunity for
you to write very directly to call the attention of colleagues to
concerns that arise from this policy initiative for theory, through
action, and in research. Material that is to be considered for
Journal of Global Ethics issue 11:1 is due 1 December 2014 (11:2 due
1 April 2015, 11:3 due 15 July 2015).

We request a comment of whatever length you wish to provide up to
4000 words. Please also provide an abstract of 100 words or fewer and
a list of at most five keywords. Submit material – with "Global
Ethics Forum" in the title or written as the first line of the
manuscript – to the journal's editing system using the usual article
submission process. See “Instructions for authors” at the journal’s

We consider this section of offerings to be a forum, rather than a
space of traditional peer review: to the extent that space allows, we
expect to publish as many of the offerings to the forum as we find to
be cogent that the journal’s available pages will also accommodate.

This call, will soon be posted, and links to the progress of the
developing SDG framework will be updated, at:

Eric Palmer, j...@allegheny.edu
Sirkku Hellsten, skhellsten...@gmail.com
Editors, Journal of Global Ethics


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