
Call for Papers

Theme: African Renaissance and Pan-Africanism
Subtitle: Epistemologies of the South, New Leadership Paradigms, and
African Futures
Type: 2015 Toyin Falola Annual Conference
Institution: Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute, Archie Mafeje
Research Institute, Institute of Global Dialogue and Institute of
African Renaissance Studies, University of South Africa
   University of Texas at Austin
   University of Ibadan
Location: Pretoria (South Africa)
Date: 2.–4.7.2015
Deadline: 30.11.2014


Africa is at once an invention, an idea, and a reality. Its
geo-political cartography is linked to the global cartography of
power.  It has a long and proud pre-colonial existence including
being the cradle of human civilization and an experience of a
traumatic insertion into the evolving modern/imperial/colonial
system. Mercantilism, the slave trade, imperialism, Islamization,
Christianisation, colonialism, apartheid, neo-colonialism,
underdevelopment and structural adjustment programmes—collectively
constituted the colonial global power structure in place since
Conquest. Africa has also experienced epic forms of African
resistance and decolonial struggles, demonstrating beyond doubt its
agency and initiative in shaping and creating its own futures

In the realm of knowledge, although various impartial historical,
scientific, and anthropological studies have confirmed that the
continent is the cradle of human civilisation, Euro-North
American-centric epistemology which privileges Hellenocentrism,
Eurocentrism and Westernization, continues to contest African
endogenous and indigenous epistemologies.   Consequently, a series of
violent encounters with the West and Arabs in form of Trans-Saharan
and Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, colonialism, neo-colonialism and
globalisation  have left the continent with scars and debilitating
psychological traumas that have continued to shape her existential
realities to this day. Africa has also suffered from epistemic
violence as racist anthropological and Euro-centric historical
studies have denied or distorted the history of Africa, dismissed her
indigenous knowledge base and emasculated any attempt at  developing
context specific knowledge production.

Despite the volleys of external assault and internal contradictions,
Africa has not been without some success stories. The victory of Adwa
in 1896, in which Ethiopian Army defeated the imperial forces of
Italy, the various innovations in agriculture that ensured food
sufficiency in pre-colonial times and importantly, the successful
struggle that ended colonialism on the continent are undeniable
testimonies to what an unfettered Africa can achieve.

Pan-Africanism was the rallying point for African unity as well as
struggles against imperial domination and control. It was a movement
and cultural-cum-political consciousness among Africans on the
mainland and their kith and kin in the Diaspora. Protagonists of
Pan-Africanism believe in the rediscovery of the African person as a
complete human being who is capable of making scientific discovery,
innovation, and contributing to human development. They believe that
despite the challenges that the continent has faced over several
centuries of exploitation and domination, it can rise again. The hope
of the Pan-Africanists like Marcus Garvey, George Padmore, Du Bois,
Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere and Thabo Mbeki among many others is
that the progress and the realisation of Africa’s huge potential
lies in her unity and integration.

Despite the hopes and aspirations of the Pan-Africanists, the
artificial state structures that the imperialists imposed on the
continent at the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 have led to what some
scholars have called ‘bondage of boundaries’, that have produced
territorial nationalisms that need to be transformed into
pan-Africanism. Despite the clear dangers that an artificially
created state structure present to the realisation of the full
potential of the continent in terms of governance, socio-economic and
scientific development, majority of African leaders at the Cairo
Conference of 1963 preferred that externally created boundaries
should remain sacrosanct. What followed this capitulation to imperial
reason and colonial practice were wars, violence, conflicts, and
constant contestations over boundaries and resources in different
parts of the continent.

In view of the complicated trajectory of Africa marked by failures
and successes, defeats and triumphs, trials and tribulations, as well
as hopes and despairs, questions continue to arise about the future
of Africa and its agency. This conference therefore calls for papers
that focus on the following broad themes and questions:

a. Genealogies, trajectories, and horizons of Pan-Africanism
b. The current state of the Africa’s Renaissance
c. What is the appropriate framework for uniting the African
d. What kind of leadership is needed to turn the current tide of
   captured development?
e. Which epistemologies are relevant in driving the change that the
   continent needs?
f. What is the impact of colonialism and coloniality on power, being,
   and knowledge in Africa?
g. How can we develop a beneficial form of engagement with other
   parts of the world?
h. What strategies can be used to resolve conflicts currently
   afflicting Africa?

It is essentially in the light of the above that the TOFAC 2015 is
being organised to create a platform for African and Africanist
intellectuals on the continent and in the Diaspora to rethink,
‘unthink’ and interrogate the African experiential trajectories over
the past one millennium. The conference is also aimed at facilitating
dialogue and interaction between emerging and established scholars,
focusing and highlighting their work, and research plans, exploring
critical, radical, alternative paradigms and action plans for better
social, political and economic freedoms in Africa

We welcome papers that address the following interrelated thematic

A: History

- African Pre-colonial governance structures and processes
- African Political Economies in pre-colonial times
- African relations with the outside world in pre-colonial times
- African indigenous knowledge systems
- African dispute settlement mechanisms
- Patterns of Migration in pre-colonial Africa

B. Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance

- Pan-Africanism-an utopian or reality?
- Identity Crisis in Post-colonial Africa
- Pan-Africanism and Regional Integration in Africa
- Nationalism and Pan-Africanism
- Political citizens and society in Africa
- Intelligentsia and African Renaissance
- African Renaissance – a mimicry?

C. Epistemology of Change and Knowledge Production for Africa

- Rethinking African Studies
- African Historiography and Institutions of learning
- African literature and development
- Afrocentric education and development in Africa
- African cultural studies and philosophy
- Context specific curriculum and education
- Gender Studies and Feminism in Africa
- Communication studies and development
- Social Science studies and development in Africa
- Language and Visual arts
- Science, innovation and technology for development in Africa 

D. Leadership, Followership and Governance in Africa

- African agency in development
- Transformational leadership
- Progressive forces-civil society, labour unions and student
- Youth and governance in Africa
- Corruption and challenges of development in Africa
- Democracy: whose Democracy?
- Peacebuilding and Security in Africa

E. The State and the Economy in Africa

- Rethinking the state in Africa
- The state and the market
- Industrial policy and development in Africa
- Public policy and African development
- The state and social policies in Africa
- Informal economy cross-border trade trades

F. Africa Geo-political relations in critical perspectives

- Afro-Asian Relations,
- Africa-EU Relations,
- Afro-American Relations
- Afro-Latin America Relations
- Africa in the BRICS 

The conference will take place from July 2-4, 2015 at the main campus
of University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

Proposals should include a 250-words abstract and title, as well as
the author's name, address, telephone number, email address, and
institutional affiliation. Deadline for the submission of abstracts
is November 30, 2014. Abstracts should be sent to the following email

1. tm...@unisa.ac.za
2. olor...@unisa.ac.za 

Registration Fee: A mandatory, non-refundable registration fee of
$150 for scholars and $100 for graduate students must be paid
immediately when an abstract is accepted. This conference fee
includes admission to the panels, conference packages, workshops, the
buffet (dinner) breakfast for three days, and the banquet.

Exemption: Interested Graduate Students from University of South
Africa who wish to present papers at the conference are exempted from
the payment of the registration fee.

Hotel rates for 2015 are yet to be determined but this will not
exceed $85 per night.

Arrangement for Pick-Up: There will be arrangement for pick-up from
OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg. This will cost about
$20 per person.

The organizers do not provide participants with any form of funding
support, travel expenses, or boarding expenses. If the conference
obtains enough outside funding this will be used to help subsidize
graduate students' accommodations on a competitive basis but it is
not guaranteed.


- The research papers  presented will be reviewed for publication by
editorial teams comprising of TMALI, IGD, AMRI and IARS-affiliated
scholars and researchers.

- Accepted papers will form part of edited book series, over a period
of one year. Other chosen papers will also be recommended to special
issues of relevant journals. 


Vusi Gumede
Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute, University of South Africa

Ndlovu Sabelo
Archie Mafeje Research Institute, University of South Africa

Sphamandla Zondi
Institute for Global Dialogue, University of South Africa

V.T. Msila
Institute of African Renaissance, University of South Africa

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