
Call for Papers

Theme: Europe Inside-Out
Subtitle: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers
Type: 5th Global Conference
Institution: Euroacademia
Location: Barcelona (Spain)
Date: 27.–28.3.2015
Deadline: 1.2.2015


Europe became in the 20th century an elaborated yet contested notion
as the particular field of European studies emerged while extensive
and diverse research was directed recently towards an intensified
search for what Europe is about. The creation of the European Union
made things even more specialized and increased the stake of
methodological rigor as more and more Europeans are affected by the
decisions taken in Brussels. The number, diversity and quality of
research projects focused on European issues is unprecedented, yet,
as it is usually the case with specialization, it gradually led to
discursive communities that rarely meet and debate their approaches
in open floors together with peers from other continents, academic
traditions and cultures. It is the aim of this conference to build a
bridge among specialists from different regions, academic traditions
and cultures that share a common interest in studying and addressing
Europe as a reflexive concern.

The 5th Global Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness
Exposed to Plural Observers’ aims exactly to refresh a broader
approach and understanding of Europe by enlarging the platform of
regular conferences and workshops for a wider arena of participants
and disciplinary backgrounds in order to put on stage a worldwide
monadology for such concerns. The conference aims also to enable
critical alternatives to the disciplinary orthodoxies by creating a
framework for interaction and dissemination of diversity that has to
become once more a European trademark.

What is Europe and its place in the world? Is there something
particular that sedimented in time and through a controversial
history a European way? How does Europe see itself and how do others
see it? Is Europe inclusive or club-based exclusive? Is Europe
becoming a normative power or just envisages itself as one? Is the
European multiculturalism a fact or an ideal? Is the European Union a
reflection of Europe or an appropriation of it? These are just few
questions out of an enormous space for inquiry that are to be
addressed and confronted within the topic of the conference.

The conference is organized yet by no means restricted to the
following orientative panels:

Theorizing Europe: Thinking Europe and Europeanness ~ Europe as would
be world power ~ Europe and its internal and external
others/outsiders ~ Europe and identities ~ Fortress Europe? ~ EU and
appropriations of Europe ~ Europe and the Mediterranean assortment ~
Europe and the inclusive/exclusive nexus ~ Europe and the US ~ Europe
and anti-Americanism ~ Europe as seen from its Eastern neighbors ~
Europe as viewed from far away: narratives of the Europeans outside ~
Europe as viewed from Asia ~ Europe and Africa ~ Non-familiar faces
of Europe ~ Knowing Europe in a different way: from Latin America to
Australia ~ Europe and the EU as a normative power ~ EU regulatory
practices in context ~ The multiple faces of Europeanization as a
process ~ Europe and the persistence of the East-West Slope ~ Europe
and crises ~ Europe and cosmopolitanism ~ Europe and the
post-national orders ~ Europe in the world ~ European narratives of
the past: the mnemonic/amnesic nexuses ~ Europeanization versus
globalization ~ Europe and conflict resolution ~ European social
models: welfare states and neoliberal suspicions ~ Europe and
innovation ~ The politicization of Europe

Participant’s Profile

The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and
professionals with a particular interest in Europe from all parts of
the world. Post-graduate students, doctoral candidates and young
researchers are welcome to submit an abstract. Representatives of
INGOs, NGOs, Think Tanks and activists willing to present their work
with impact on or influenced by specific understandings of Europe are
welcomed as well to submit the abstract of their contribution.
Abstracts will be reviewed and accepted based on their proven
quality. The submitted paper is expected to be in accordance with the
lines provided in the submitted abstract.

Deadline for panel proposals: 1st of February 2015
Deadline for paper proposals: 15th of February 2015

The conference will take place in the conference premises of the
exclusive 4 stars deluxe H10 Universitat Hotel, centrally located in
the heart of Barcelona, easily accessible from the historic center
and within a walking distance from many major cultural attractions:
just few steps away from the University of Barcelona and Plaza

For applications and complete details before applying please see the
conference link:


41 Rue Edmond Delcourt
BE-1070 Brussels
Email: applicat...@euroacademia.eu
Web: http://www.euroacademia.eu/


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