
Call for Papers

Theme: Democracy Rising
Subtitle: From Insurrections to 'Event'
Type: GCAS World Conference
Institution: Global Center for Advanced Studies
Location: Athens (Greece)
Date: 16.–19.7.2015
Deadline: 1.4.2015


Margaret Thatcher’s slogan, “There is no alternative” was a
declaration of war that installed the horrors of neoliberal policies
that have eroded and systematically undermined democratic and
public-based projects for more than 30 years. The global financial
crisis of 2008 exposed these neoliberal policies that have paved the
way for the rise of an untouchable oligarchical class whose top 80
members now possess more wealth than the bottom half of the world’s
population. It is now abundantly clear that neoliberalism has
accelerated radical inequality and at the same time forced the world
to conform to their unquestionable, anti-democratic policies, lest
even greater disasters befall us.

Faced with no alternative, on their terms, in 2011 a new series of
insurrections began to emerge from the Occupy movement to Tunisia,
Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, to Spain, Ireland, and Greece. The recent
historic victory of Syriza brings forth the message that citizens
must decide their own future and thus the reassertion of the primacy
of politics takes place again in the world. In the wake of Syriza’s
victory and the hope it articulates for the world, we propose a
conference comprised of academics and activists from the birthplace
of democracy, Athens, Greece. The purpose of the conference is to
bring together intellectuals and activists to think through and
propose strategic alternatives for democracy and its future.


- Neoliberalism and Austerity Measures
- Philosophy and Political Struggles
- The Global Debt Crisis
- Capitalism & Education
- Democracy & Activism
- European Union & the Euro-Zone
- The Rise of Fascism in Europe
- Neoliberalism and Globalization
- Uniting the Workers with the Intelligentsia
- The Hope of Left Governance
- The Rise of Podemos in Spain
- Organizing Locally & Globally
- Inequality & Democracy


Academics and activists are invited to give papers on relevant topics
that support the conference’s description. Papers can be presented
in Athens, Greece, or in some cases, via the Internet. In either
case, papers should be no longer than 20 minutes in length. In
addition to individual papers, we encourage panel proposals
consisting of 2-4 participants. Panel sessions should be no longer
than 40 minutes in length.

This conference will be hybrid in that it will be broadcasted live on
the internet making it one of the first academic conferences in the
world to be live and available to all.


250 word Abstracts for Papers, and 500 word abstracts for Panel
Proposals should be submitted no later than April 1, 2015 midnight
Eastern European Time to <sub...@thegcas.com>. Please include a photo
and a very short Bio in your submission. Please also state in the
subject title of your email either “Paper” or “Panel Proposal” and
whether or not your paper or panel will be presented at the
conference or via the Internet.

NOTE: Panel Presentations: If your panel is being delivered via the
Internet the individual members that comprise your panel can present
from anywhere in the world so long as their Internet connection is
excellent. You will need to verify that all Internet connections
range between 6-10 Mbps so that access quality is at a premium.

Acceptance/Rejection emails will be sent no later than April 15,
2015. The papers will be judged by the Conference Organization


Registration is free & open to the public for participants in Athens
& $5 for participants on-line (to help cover Internet infrastructure
including access (purchasing a subscription), security, equipment,
and technical services).

Please register as soon as possible:

Presenters Fees are $20 per person or $40 per panel presentation.
Conference Dinner $30 Athens (TBA)

Registration deadline for on-line participants is 1 July 2015.

A course will be designed and offered on this conference, details


The Editors of Insurrections Series at Columbia University Press have
agreed to consider supporting the proceedings for publication.  Some
papers will also be considered for GCAS’s Journal via GCAS Press.

Language & Translation

Greek & English

Translation capabilities will be available if enough donations are
provided to support this service. Please consider donating.  When you
donate please specify “GCAS Conference”. Donate here:


Costas Douzinas, Jodi Dean, Bruno Bosteels & Maria Aristodemou

Kenneth Surin, Azfar Hussain, Maria Nikolakaki, Athena Athanasiou,
Creston Davis, Athina Karatzogianni, Kostis Karpozilos,Dimitris
Dalakoglou, Leonidas Vatikiotis, Claudia Landolfi, Peter Thompson,
Julie Resche, Theodore Koulouris, Sigrid Hackenberg and special
guests from Syriza and Podemos.

Conference website:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



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