
Call for Papers

Theme: Borders
Type: 6th Crossing Over International Symposium
Institution: Cleveland State University
Location: Cleveland, OH (USA)
Date: 9.–11.10.2015
Deadline: 15.5.2015


The Crossing Over International Symposium focuses on border studies.
It analyzes borders as a physical, psychological and symbolic
experience that affects relationships and negotiations among people
around the world. We welcome papers about encounters, conflicts and
resolutions between cultures, countries, races, religions, genders,
ideologies, languages, neighborhoods, generations, social classes,
etc. We are interested in an interdisciplinary dialogue within the
Humanities and the Social Sciences.

- Cultural Borders
- Political Borders
- Educational Borders
- Religious Borders
- International Borders
- Intranational Borders
- Linguistic Borders
- Gender Borders
- Ideological Borders
- Age Borders
- Tribal Borders
- Social Class/Caste Borders
- Identity Borders
- Neighborhood Borders

- Electronic abstracts only to Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera:
- Deadline: May 15, 2015
- One page abstract in Word format.
- Organization of sessions with 3-4 participants is highly encouraged.

Papers can be submitted to our open access online journal 'Cultural
Encounters, Conflicts, and Resolutions':

Keynote Speaker:
Luis Alberto Urrea
Pullitzer Prize Finalist, National Bestseller


Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera
Department of Modern Languages
Cleveland State University
1899 East East 22nd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-4434
Email: crossingover...@gmail.com
Web: http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/crossingover/


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