
Conference Announcement

Theme: Overlapping Cosmologies
Type: International Workshop on Traditional Sciences in Asia 2015
Institution: Hakubi Center for Advanced Research and Institute for
Research into the Humanities, Kyoto University
Location: Kyoto (Japan)
Date: 17.–19.6.2015


While we tend to think of traditional cosmological understanding as
unique to each civilization and modern astronomical knowledge as the
result of a singular quest for the scientific truth, ideas in fact
traverse different traditions and transform across space and time.
Disparate and often conflicting worldviews of the nature of our
universe, whether traditional versus modern knowledge, or knowledge
from different traditions, co-exist within most cultures. At this
international interdisciplinary workshop, scholars of various fields
in both humanities and science will join together to explore how our
understandings of the cosmos evolve and overlap across time and
space, with a wide array of interrelated topics from cosmology,
astronomy, astrology, time-calculation to modern space science. With
particular focus on Asia – a region whose long scientific tradition
has been understudied compared to that of its Western counterpart –
the participants will discuss how astral knowledge has been
communicated, adopted, and transformed as they cross linguistic and
cultural borders, past and present.


Bill Mak
Hakubi Center for Advanced Research
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8501
Email: m...@zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Web: http://iwtsa.wordpress.com


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