
Call for Papers

Theme: Borders, Bounds and Brinks
Subtitle: Rethinking Boundaries In and About Burma/Myanmar
Type: Burma/Myanmar Research Forum 2015
Institution: Cornell University
Location: Ithaca, NY (USA)
Date: 2.–4.10.2015
Deadline: 20.7.2015


“A side, edge, brink, or margin.” What is a border if not this: a
mere line dividing two (or more) better-studied entities? This year’s
Burma/Myanmar Research Forum follows recent scholarship on
borderlands to investigate these spaces in their own right, and also
as openings onto wider political, conceptual, and historical
terrains. Borders include, yet also exclude; they separate, yet also
connect. How might a focus on borders raise questions about overly
“centralized” narratives about religious, ethnic, colonial, and other
histories of Burma? Various dimensions of borders and boundaries
(spatial, ecological, ethno-political, religio-cultural, conceptual,
etc.) are welcomed as areas of analysis.

We invite proposals that consider borders and boundaries both as
historical entities and as analytical categories. This includes
papers that look at borders as social and political technologies,
asking how such lines were drawn historically and how they have
shifted over time. While we welcome work on geospatial divisions, we
encourage submissions on other types of lines that have been used for
purposes of separation, division, and exclusion, or work on the
intermediary spaces created between and across lines. We also
encourage papers that reflect on the way we as scholars sort, group,
systematize, and exclude in historical and social scientific
research. This includes work that questions spatial frames of
reference (e.g., “Kachin State,” “Burma,” “Southeast Asia”), and also
work that unsettles disciplinary boundaries and disturbs standard
periodizations (e.g., “Konbaung,” “colonial,” “post-1962”).

The forum is envisaged as an intellectual platform bringing together
Burma/Myanmar scholars from across the US and internationally, to
facilitate dialogue on new and emerging research, and to foster
exchange between senior and emerging scholars. The conference will
feature an opening conference plenary with presentations from senior
scholars, and discussion-intensive workshops of research in progress,
with plenary speakers serving as discussants. The forum will also
feature Burma/Myanmar related films.

We encourage submissions from all disciplinary backgrounds that would
illuminate the historical and contemporary dynamics that (re)define
boundaries and borders in Burma/Myanmar. Graduate students and
faculty working in all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals
or expressions of interest in participation. Submissions may propose
a short 5-8 page paper on research in progress, a research
prospectus, or ideas in another format, subject to review by the
workshop convenors. Proposals for non-traditional, multimedia, and/or
performance-oriented presentations are welcome. Because of the
workshop-based nature of this conference, space is limited, and we
ask those interested in being non-presenting participants to also
express their interest through the same form.

For this initial stage, submissions should take the form of a 250-300
word abstract or statement describing the proposed
paper/presentation, along with a short bio, no later than July 20,
2015. Short papers/proposals will be circulated ahead of time. We
have limited funding for travel and lodging support, and encourage
all workshop participants to seek support from their home
institutions. To apply for travel funding, please see the online form
for details.

Please see here to submit your proposal:

Featured Speakers:

Penny Edwards, Associate Professor – University of California,
Berkeley, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies

Tin Maung Maung Than, Senior Research Fellow – Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies (Singapore)

Alicia Turner, Associate Professor – York University, Toronto,
Department of Humanities and Religious Studies

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us
at: burmamyanmarresearchfo...@gmail.com.

The conference flyer is available here (pdf):


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