
Call for Papers

Theme: How do we see each other?
Subtitle: The Abrahamic religions and interreligious relations in the
past and present
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: University of Navarra
Location: Pamplona (Spain)
Date: 10.–11.3.2016
Deadline: 15.11.2015


Ongoing conflicts, acts of terrorism and religiously motivated
violence mean that religious intolerance and prejudice are a
continuing aspect of today's world. Achieving greater understanding
between the Abrahamic religious traditions is therefore one of the
most important challenges of the twenty-first century. This
conference will address these issues by considering interdisciplinary
perspectives of how the Abrahamic religions perceive and relate to
one another today, and how they have perceived and related to each
other in the past.

Scholars working in the fields of the social sciences, history,
philosophy and humanities are invited to give papers on any aspect of
relations or relationships between denominations of Christianity,
Islam and Judaism or their adherents. This can include analyses of
relationships between religious traditions in different historical
and cultural contexts; initiatives to improve understanding through
education; sociological approaches to understanding intergroup
interactions; conceptions of religious tolerance in political theory;
or any other line of inquiry relating to the differences between the
Abrahamic religions (broadly conceived). Participants are invited to
suggest how their research may enable or inform continued efforts for
peace and mutual understanding in today's world.

DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS (no more than 300 words): November 15th 2015 
(send to dmou...@unav.es). Speakers will be notified of acceptance no 
later than December 15th 2015.

REGISTRATION FEE: 100 Euros (includes registration, coffee breaks,
two lunches and the conference banquet. This fee will be waivered for 
exceptional abstracts).

This conference is hosted by the Religion and Civil Society Project
of the Institute for Culture and Society, University of Navarra:

For further information about the conference, please contact Dr
Daniel Moulin: dmou...@unav.es


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