
Call for Papers

Theme: Dislocations and Cultural Conflicts
Subtitle: Migrations, Diaspora, Terrorism, Borders
Type: 4th Annual International CCCS Conference 2016
Institution: Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies (CCCS)
Location: Skopje (Macedonia)
Date: 1.–3.9.2016
Deadline: 15.3.2016


The Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies organizes the 4th Annual
International Conference of the CCCS 2016: "Dislocations and Cultural
Conflicts: Migrations, Diaspora, Terrorism, Borders (MDTB)".

Human movement, within and without nationally-set borders, is an
undeniable reality, present and past contexts included. Indeed, we
live in a world where migrations and migratory practices bring forth
grave implications.

Throughout the history of human civilization and thought, including
present circumstances, migrations mostly come as the result of man’s
desire to improve the immediate quality of life, better one’s
family’s economic milieu, and quite frequently, they are the effect
of the painstaking efforts undertaken to preserve the sanctity of
one’s life. In other words, they come in place of an answer to ethnic
and ideological conflicts, poverty and unemployment, natural
disasters. Henceforth, we can come to the conclusion that migrations
are the by-product of a number of socio-economic, political, ethnic,
military, ideological, and ecological factors.

Over the course of past century, migration studies have evolved into
an important disciplines, mostly in the late 1960s and 1970s, when
the focus rests on the diasporic life and the loss it entails.
Gradually, as a discipline, migration studies shift their focus
towards questions about the relationship that exists between
dislocation and information technologies, media, the hard sciences,
networking and the methods used when passing on knowledge and
information. At present, the significance tied to migration studies
stems from the realization that they too are an integral part of the
discourse on conflict and political strife.

Migrations can be studied through several different theoretical
practices. This Conference aims at acknowledging the different
disciplines that actively engage with the study of migrations, hence
creating a platform that will unite the research conducted by
economists, lawyers, political scientists, historians,
anthropologists, sociologists, and social psychologists, as well as
researchers from the domains of cultural studies, literary theory,
media and communication studies, the arts, all with the common goal
of examining closely the effect that migrations exert on beliefs,
customs, everyday practices, institutions, policies, laws. Namely,
how said factors impact the behaviors and experiences of migrants and
the country/state hosting them, that is to say, the behaviors and
experiences of ethnic minorities and majorities. Thusly, the
Conference aims at underlying the different theoretical discourses
that approach the subject of migrations from several different
aspects, including:

- the polarization of the world;
- the threats to peace and security;
- issues tied to global diversity;
- socio-economic inequalities;
- cultural shifts, etc.

Notwithstanding the reasons behind migratory patterns, the changes
they bring forth are foundational to a society’s future, as they ask
that we rethink the “us/them” binary, particularly in terms of
social, economic, and cultural differences, thus revisiting the
relationship between diasporas and homelands. Namely, their
influences are not to be ignored when defining societies as

Today, migrations, as a global process, can be perceived as less of a
challenge and more of an opportunity. While well-managed migrations
can help usher in socio-economic growth, thus affording new
opportunities both in the migrant’s homeland and their host country,
misguided profiteering over migratory practices and migrants can in
fact result in risky social cohesion, safety, and sovereignty.

Contemporary discourses focused on development assume that migrations
en route from the developing world can act as “agents of progress”,
since the process of migration enables the transfer of skills,
investments, cultural goods, ways of life, collective memories, onto
the new locations. The mixing of cultures and cultural templates adds
to a better familiarity with the value system of the Other, thus
contributing to the enrichment of the domicile culture.

On the other hand, the introduction of the culture of the Other
through the processes accompanying migrations heightens the sense of
fear and dread, particularly surrounding the self-perceptions of the
host country’s national identity (namely, its insofar exceptionality).

Migrants are often placed at the center of attention due to an
externally perceived lack of loyalty towards their host countries.
They can be even lumped together as groups that threaten a host
country’s national security. In light of the recent terrorist
attacks, public sentiment (particularly in the countries of the
so-called First World) has started to equate migrations with
terrorism. Hence, not that infrequently, refugees and terrorists are
seen as interchangeable categories. Conflicts, the struggle for
democracy and the fight against totalitarian regimes - all help
create a domino effect that results in mass migrations. This in turn
has contributed to further compartmentalization, along the lines of
religion and culture within the host countries. The influx of
migrants provides fertile ground for organized crime and terrorism,
since organized crime populates territories under siege. Today’s
findings point out that terrorism cannot be simply viewed through a
legal framework, since this phenomenon, through time and space,
begets various cultural, historic, and socio-political contexts.
However, what remains is that fact that the principal tenants of the
modern state include democracy, security, the rule of law,
sovereignty and integrity, civil rights, and that all these are under
terrorism’s constant constraint.

Henceforth, the Conference welcomes researchers who can offer
different conceptualizations of the topic Dislocations and Cultural
Conflicts: Migrations, Diaspora, Terrorism, Borders.

The papers can address, but are not limited to, the following areas:

Migrations, Migrants, Diaspora

- Basic problems in migratory movements;
- Future problems in migratory movements;
- The difference between migrants and refugees;
- Migrants/refugees and civil rights and liberties;
- Diaspora, and the old country/new country (host country)
  relationship (Diaspora and Cultural Memory, Diaspora and economic
  influences, Diaspora as an example of “good practices” in the host
  country, the role of Diaspora in the construction of the
- The role of migrants/diaspora in international politics;
- The negative reactions to the expansion of diasporas;
- Migrations/Diaspora and Identity (Liquid identities, Identity
  Transformations - Hybridization, Creolization);
- Migrations/Diaspora and Borders (Global/Local/Glocal; Third Spaces;
  the blurring of lines between public and private spaces);
- Diasporic cultural practices, beliefs, customs;
- Migrants, diaspora, and religion.


- The legal history of terrorism and its criminalization;
- The legal history of the anti-terrorist legislation and its impact
  on civil rights and liberties;
- Terrorism as a threat over social order based on the rule of law;
- The war on terror and civil rights and liberties;
- The effectiveness/purpose of dialogue and reconciliation in the war
  on terror;
- Larger questions connected to asymmetrical conflicts;
- Torture as a tool of terrorism;
- Terrorist discourse and cultural constructions;
- Terrorism, economics, and social changes;
- Terrorism and gender dynamics;
- Migrations, Diaspora, Terrorism, Borders (MDTB), crises and war;
- MDTB and terror attacks;
- MDTB and their reception by the host country after a terrorist

Representations of MDTB in the Arts and Media

- Literary Dislocations (Migrant literature, Literary nomadism,
  Literature and borders, the Poetics of exile, Migrant identities,
  Articulations of not-being at home);
- MDTB and the performing arts;
- MDTB in music (migrations and movement; cultural diaspora through
  the prism of the migrants’ music, humanitarian concerts, resistance
  and music);
- MDTB in the visual arts (video and multimedia);
- MDTB in media;
- Cultural construction and consumption of the terrorist discourse.

MDTB and Linguistic

- Linguistic adaptation of migrants in a foreign language environment;
- Characteristics of intercultural communication of migrants;
- Problems of language competence during the migration process and
  adaptation of migrants;
- Methods of overcoming linguistic barriers in the process of
  adaptation of migrants to a foreign cultural environment;
- Problems of linguistic self-identification of  the population in
  the border zones in a multi-ethnic environment;
- Bilingualism in the migration process

MDTB and History/Memory/Cultural Heritage

- MDTB and different historical narratives;
- MDTB and the question of memory/forgetting;
- MDTB and traditional stereotypes;
- Memories about MDTB
- MDTB and Cultural Heritage (its dislocation; MDTB and museums).

Fourth Annual International Conference of CCCS 2016: "Dislocations
and cultural conflicts, migration, diaspora, terrorism, borders
(MDTG)" welcomes the participation of researchers of culture,
literature, history, philosophy, art, religion, sociology, media,
linguistic, and all interested in the topic. We welcome abstracts
pertaining to the theme of the conference, and the broader field of

Conference calendar

March 15, 2016: Deadline for submission of abstracts
End of March 2016: Acceptance info
August 15, 2016: Final programme of the Conference
September 1-3, 2016: Conference dates
September 4-6, 2016: Visit to Ohrid (optional post-conference event)
December 15, 2016: Final paper submission deadline
April 1, 2017: Results from the review of submitted papers
Until the end of 2017: Publication of accepted and reviewed papers


Papers proposals

Submissions of abstracts (up to 250 words), short bios (up to 100
words) may be made online, by filling the form:
Also, you can send paper proposals offline. Please, download the form
(MS WORD document), fill it in and send it by e-mail to
The abstracts should not be longer than 250 words (1720 characters).

Panel proposals

We welcome proposals for panel discussions, especially panels
organized by internationally recognized experts that aim to gather a
group of researchers around one topic or subject. That will achieve
interaction between the panelists and the other participants in the
conference. The panels are an important segment of the Conference.
Submissions of abstracts (up to 250 words), short bios (up to 100
words) may be made online, by filling the form:
Also, you can send panel proposals offline. Please, download the form
(MS WORD document), fill it in and send it by e-mail to
The abstracts should not be longer than 250 words (1720 characters).

Abstracts can be submitted in English, Russian or Macedonian
language, depending on the language of presentation of the paper.

Selection and publishing of papers

The participants shall have 15 minutes to present his/her report.
Five minutes Q&A session shall be reserved for every presentation.
The papers have to be original and to not have been published
previously or presented at an earlier conference.
The abstracts shall be reviewed by the organization committee of the
Conference, in accordance with international standards for scientific
The papers that will receive positive reviews shall be published in
the online peer-reviewed journal Investing Culture during 2017.
Selected full text papers with high-impact shall be published in the
international peer-reviewed journal Култура/Culture (in both the
print and online editions). The paper selection will be carried out
during the peer review process as well as at the conference
presentation stage. The final decision for paper selection will be
made based on peer review reports by the editorial board and
conference board jointly.

Participation Fees

Early registration: till May 1st, 2016: €50
Registration: May 2nd – June 15, 2016: €70
Late registration: On‐site registration (or after June 15, 2016): €90

If presentations have multiple authors, participation fee is needed
for each author, to cover the cost of materials.
The conference fee include conference materials, use of presentation
equipment, refreshments, the welcome party, online Book of Abstracts,
the review of the submitted papers and the publication of accepted
full text papers.
The participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation

For additional information please contact organizers on email
confere...@cultcenter.net or visit conference site:


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