
Call for Papers

Theme: Dependencies and Differences
Type: Philosophy Graduate and Postgraduate Conference
Institution: University of Alberta
Location: Edmonton, AL (Canada)
Date: 6.–8.5.2016
Deadline: 15.1.2016


We invite graduate students and postgraduates (who have been awarded
their PhD no earlier than 2010) to submit papers to the graduate and
postgraduate philosophy conference that will take place on 6-8 May
2016 at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. 

What does it mean to say that something or someone depends on
something or someone else? Why do we differentiate between
dependencies in the ways that we do? For example, we speak of
differential distributions of socio-economic dependency (“some groups
are made to be more dependent than others”), of hierarchical
relations of ontological dependency (“some entities are grounded in
more fundamental entities”), and of the normative implications of our
dependence on certain categories (“some social categories are more
valuable than others”). How do various forms of dependency relate to
one another and why it is important that we take our dependencies

Dependence and difference have been key themes in various subfields
of philosophy including feminist philosophy, philosophy of
disability, animal ethics, and social ontology. This conference seeks
to unpack the ways in which notions of dependence can be theorized
differently and the dangers that arise when we fail to account for
the various factors that affect our conceptions of dependence.
Possible questions for consideration include, but are not limited to:
How is dependency gendered? How are our social institutions
constituted? How do we individuate dependency relations between
various kinds and their features? What are the performative,
normative, phenomenological, and metaphysical distinctions that
matter? What methodologies (interdisciplinary, feminist, archival,
genealogical, analytic, etc.) might help us to approach questions
about what we value, how we categorize reality, and how we organize

We strongly encourage submissions from all areas of philosophy and
from related disciplines, and we especially encourage submissions
from women and other groups historically underrepresented in the

Keynote Presentations

“What – If Any – Is the Value of Gender?”
Christine Overall, Professor and University Research Chair,
Department of Philosophy and Department of Gender Studies, Queen’s

“Navigating Dependencies in Collaborative Reproduction”
Alice MacLachlan, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, York

Deadline for submission: 15 January 2016.

Submission Guidelines

Papers should not exceed 3000 words. They should be prepared for
anonymous review and sent as a PDF file to:
In a separate PDF attachment, please include your name, academic
affiliation, e-mail address, paper title, and an abstract of no more
than 150 words.

For more information, please contact us at:


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