
Call for Publications

Theme: Transforming and Africanizing the Philosophy Curriculum
Publication: South African Journal of Philosophy (SAJP)
Date: Vol. 35, No. 4 (2016)
Deadline: 1.6.2016


In recent past there have been sustained debates and discussions in
various quarters regarding the need to reflect on what we, as
academics, are teaching students. These discussions have been cashed
out within the broader arena of transformation and curriculum
development. In these discussions there hasn’t been much on what it
will mean to develop and transform the philosophy curriculum, and
what the direction will be for an Africanized philosophy curriculum
in universities in Africa. 

This special issue of the South African Journal of Philosophy will
gather together selected presentations from the “Africanizing the
Philosophy Curricula in Universities in Africa” workshop that was
held at the University of the Witwatersrand on Wednesday 16
September, 2015. 

Confirmed contributors to the Special Edition are:

- Dr. David Martens (Wits)
- Professor Ramose Mogobe (UNISA)
- Professor Lucy Allais (Wits)
- Professor Barry Hallen (Morehouse College, USA)
- Dr. Edwin Etieyibo (Wits)
- Professor Thaddeus Metz (University of Johannesburg)
- Dr. John Lamola (Fort Hare)
- Professor Pedro Tabensky (Rhodes University)

A further five contributions are here solicited to complement
contributions from presenters at the workshop. Submissions should
focus on the following topics:

- Is Curriculum Transformation and Development Important?
- Ought the Philosophy Curriculum in Universities in Africa be
- What does it mean to Africanize the Philosophy Curriculum?
- Is it Possible to Africanize the Philosophy Curriculum in
  Universities in Africa?
- What are the Prospects, Problems and Challenges of Africanizing
  the Philosophy Curriculum in Universities in Africa?
- What Subjects, Topics, and Issues Should Form Part of the Content
  of an Africanized Philosophy Curriculum? 

The deadline for submissions is 1 June 2016 for publication in the
SAJP Vol. 35 No. 4, 2016. Manuscripts should be 8000-10000 words in
length (including references and footnotes) and adhere to the SAJP
instructions for authors, available at:

All manuscripts must be prepared for anonymous review and submitted
to the SAJP online at http://www.edmgr.com/rsph/ where they will be
sent out for peer review by the SAJP’s editorial team, under the
guidance of the Guest Editor, Dr Edwin Etieyibo. 

When you are asked to select a section/category please select the
option ‘special edition’. Further enquiries can be addressed to:
Edwin Etieyibo (Guest Editor) at edwin.etiey...@wits.ac.za or Andrea
Hurst (Editor-in-Chief) at andrea.hu...@nmmu.ac.za 

The SAJP is the official journal of the Philosophical Society of
Southern Africa. The journal is anonymously refereed, indexed and
published by Taylor & Francis. 


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