
Call for Papers

Theme: Refugees, Migrants and Cosmopolitics
Type: International Conference
Institution: Research Group 'Cosmopolitanism in a Philosophical
Perspective', New Europe College (NEC)
Location: Bucharest (Romania)
Date: 3.–4.6.2016
Deadline: 15.3.2016


Migration and cosmopolitanism are consubstantial. Cosmopolitanism
means to be a citizen of the world, with no borders or, at least,
with permeable borders. Migration means to move from one place to
another. Thus, migration, without impediments, appears to be the
natural starting point for a cosmopolitan view, and theories of
cosmopolitanism, as a rule, take the division of the globe into
different nations and their borders as an obstacle for a cosmopolitan
arrangement of the world.

However, migration as practice turns out to be the biggest test for
cosmopolitanism, both as theory and as cosmopolitan practice. The
intensification of migration, through increasing number of economic
migrants and refugees, generates anti-cosmopolitan stances:
immigration is seen as a threat of overpopulation, a threat of
denaturation of the values and identity of the receiving countries, a
threat to the democratic state which allegedly cannot function with
large influx of people, or as security threat. Nevertheless, these
threats do not mean necessarily a failure of cosmopolitanism, but
mainly a refusal and a failure to approach migration through its
consubstantial cosmopolitan perspective.

The phenomenon of migration poses some crucial problems for political
theory. If citizenship and equality are the concepts by which
political and legal theory conceives the political agency and rights
of individuals, then an increasing population of migrants, with
partial or no status, creates a political structural inequality. Both
the economic migrant (guest workers, irregular migrants) for whom
migration is a choice and an option, and the refugee, whose mobility
is seen as an action forced by persecutions, wars or natural
disasters (and whom states are at least morally obliged to admit to
their territory) increase the mass of noncitizens in the countries of
destination (and in the world in general), that is, the mass of
persons who do not have political agency and rights. The noncitizens
may have a state of origin, but inasmuch as they are not able or
prefer not to make use of their state's protection they are all, like
refugees, stateless de facto. This is difficult to reconcile with
political theories of equality or liberty granted by state, and so
migration challenges the conditions of politics assumed by political
philosophers. Confronted with the problems of migrants and refuges,
the current state-based way of doing and thinking politics shows its
structural and conceptual limits. The challenge is then to conceive a
cosmopolitan political theory and to imagine a cosmopolitics as a way
of doing politics in a global world that would include both migrants
and non-migrants.

The existing theories of cosmopolitanism do not resolve the
structural political exclusion of migrants, but only alleviate it
temporarily. For Kant, migrants, nomads, and other non-citizens are
only allowed the right of visitation not residence, that is,
temporary access to the territory of a state, so the Kantian right of
cosmopolitan hospitality protects migrants and refuges but only
through their perpetual displacement. Contemporary liberal
cosmopolitanism and the international (composed of nation-states)
institutions advanced by this approach do not eliminate the
structural exclusion of immigrants, for example, the United Nations’
conventional framework defines the right to leave a territory as a
human right, but not the right to enter a territory. The normative
approach called ‘open borders’ diminishes its cosmopolitan potential
because it is focused mainly on ‘receiving countries’, who have to
open the borders, and not on the sending countries which remain more
vulnerable (the so called ‘brain drain’ problem). As well, the ‘open
border’ approach is formulated within the paradigm of the
nation-state, examining in details when and how the state can admit,
exclude, select and reject the immigrants, thus failing to map the
way the nation-state generates a structural exclusion, incompatible
with a cosmopolitan view of migration. A more practical approach with
a cosmopolitan intent - that of the transnational NGOs and other
institutions providing humanitarian support - although efficient for
short term do not solve the problem posed by migration for political
theory. This humanitarian approach depoliticizes migrants and
refugees by providing food and shelter (mainly in refugee camps),
implying the danger of transforming the migrant into a mere human
body to be managed in a camp, in this way confirming Hannah Arendt’s
insights on the perplexities of human rights for refugees and
stateless people. But, as Arendt suggests in “We refugees,” the
condition of refugees and persons without a country has to be taken
as a new paradigm for politics, because for the refugees history is
no longer ‘a closed book,’ the refugees being the ‘avant-garde of
their peoples.’

Thus, the main aim of this conference is to see if and how the
refugees and the immigrants can be the avant-garde of
cosmopolitanism, that is, how can migrants and refugees contribute to
a cosmopolitan restructuring of the ways of doing politics? Can we
imagine a cosmopolitics that will include both migrants and
non-migrants as a new way of doing politics in a global world? How
obsolete is the model of doing politics within the nation-state in
tackling the problems posed by migration? What are the limits and
alternatives to the strategies of admission and integration into
nation-states of receiving countries? Can we imagine in theory a
political participation independent of locality that would make it
possible for migrant/mobile people to participate to a global and
cosmopolitan governance? What can be the role of the nation state in
creating the cosmopolitan institutions that will include both
migrants and non-migrants? Can the migrants and refugees be seen as
renouncing the temptations of the territorial form of community and
politics? How could politics and states be reorganised to adapt to a
universal aterritoriality as human condition? Etc.


We invite contributions that address the following topics,
although the list is by no means exhaustive:
migrants and refugees as the avant-grande of cosmopolitics; migration
and limits of cosmopolitan hospitality; migration and cosmopolitan
law, migration and (possible) cosmopolitan institutions; migrant
cosmopolitanism, the ‘right to have rights’ as a ‘ground’ of
cosmopolitanism; (possible) cosmopolitanism of statelessness and bare
life; migration and aterritorial cosmopolitics, and others.    

Confirmed Speakers

Petar Bojanic (Belgrade)
Costas Douzinas (Birkbeck)
Andrew Schaap (Exeter)
Chantal Thomas (Cornell)
Mark Wenman (Nottingham)

Organizational Details

Please submit proposals of 300-words abstracts for 20-minute papers
no later than March 15, 2016 to tcar...@nec.ro and
paris_el...@yahoo.com. Please also indicate your name, professional
status and institutional affiliation. Decision notices will be
emailed by March 25, 2016. Selected papers will be published in a
collective volume at an international publishing house.  Please note
that there is no conference fee. For further details or questions,
please contact tcar...@nec.ro and paris_el...@yahoo.com.

The conference is organized by the members of the research group
Cosmopolitanism in a Philosophical Perspective from the New Europe
College, Institute for Advanced Studies in collaboration with the
Center for Constitutional Law and Political Institutions of the Law
School, University of Bucharest, and the Center for Advanced Studies,
Rijeka, Croatia.


New Europe College
Institute for Advanced Studies
Str. Plantelor 21
023971 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 307 9910
Fax: +40 21 327 0774
Email: tcar...@nec.ro


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