
Call for Papers

Theme: Roots and Legacies
Type: 1st Global Meeting
Institution: Inter-Disciplinary.Net
   Mansfield College, University of Oxford
Location: Oxford (United Kingdom)
Date: 13.–15.9.2016
Deadline: 1.4.2016


Since the beginning of time, there is little that humanity held more
sacred than the memory of a past that shaped, nourished and gave
purpose and direction to individuals and societies alike, a past
whose legacy lives on in the new generations.  Most cultures retrace
their roots to powerful, wise and heroic forefathers, sometimes
endowed in the collective imaginary with magical or spiritual
abilities and worshipped within ancestors’ cults. However, if
socio-cultural roots are often interwoven with myth and legend,
individual roots are much more tangible, closer and more intimate.
They can be found in a community’s specific customs, norms and ties,
in a neighbour’s craftsmanship, in a grandmother’s old tales and
lullabies, in the memory of a mother’s embrace. These relics of how
we came to be stay with us throughout our lives, influencing our
thoughts, desires, narratives, attitudes and actions. They follow us
on journeys to new lands, grow and change in meaning through the
different stages of our lives and ultimately, shape the legacy that
each and all of us leave behind. Every large scale social phenomenon,
every significant historical or individual development is in many
ways touched (often brought about) by  meaningful, formative events
and experiences in the past and has lasting consequences on the
future. Without a thorough exploration of these influences,
understanding our personal and social timeline, reducing conflict and
achieving better communication and cooperation among individuals,
groups and nations of different backgrounds will prove to be a futile
and frustrating task.

It is often said that once cut off from his roots, one will have
great difficulties  in finding himself, as the legacy of the past is
a major factor in shaping one’s identity. However, ties with history,
tradition, community and family are often severed, weakened,
redefined and reshaped. Sometimes this is caused by violence or
adversity, by conflict, or traumatic experiences. Other times, it’s a
natural consequence of individualization, of seeking better
opportunities in life, of living in a fast-moving, globalized world
where migration is a highly common occurrence and customs, cultures
and identities blend together to create a new sense of personal and
social history. In modern times, the need to feel rooted seems to be
felt more acutely than ever, prolonged disembeddedness leading to
anxiety, alienation, loneliness and depression.

This project aims to explore some of the central aspects of roots,
legacies and socio-cultural heritage, attempting to answer questions
such as:  Where are our roots and what part do they play in shaping
our personal and social narrative and legacy?  How does the form and
meaning of these concepts differ with time and culture?  How do they
impact the construction of individual and social identities and the
sense of otherness? What role did they play in major historic events?
How do they contribute to today’s socio-economic and geo-politic
situation? How (if at all) can we hold on to our roots in modern
times? What causes uprootedness on a macro and on a micro level? What
are the social and individual consequences of uprootedness? Is being
uprooted always a bad thing?

Participants from every relevant field of activity, performers, or
storytellers who have specific insight to share about their personal
or social roots and legacies are invited to submit proposals for
presentations, papers, workshops, performances or panels on any topic
related to Roots and Legacies, including but not limited to the

Conceptual delimitations of roots and legacies:

- What are roots and legacies, how can we define, classify and
  operate with these concepts?
- What does it mean to have roots or to pass/carry on a legacy?
- How can roots and legacies and their respective influence on
  individuals and societies be best observed and studied?
- How can we integrate and make use of these concepts in education?
- How are these concepts studied and used in different fields of
  research and activity such as history, anthropology, sociology,
  philosophy, literature, political science, psychology, psychiatry,
  genetics, social work, teaching, software design etc.

Roots, legacies and identities:

- How do roots and legacies contribute to building and maintaining
 social or group identity and a sense of otherness?
- How do roots and legacies contribute to achieving personal identity
  and an enduring sense of self?
- What part do strangers’ (migrants, refugees etc.) roots play in
  their chances to be accepted and integrated in society?
- How do we reconcile our ancient roots with our modern identities?
- What part does the legacy of older generations play in shaping the
  identity of new ones?

Roots and legacies – stories and journeys:

- Personal, family or group stories of migration, how the migrants’
  connection to their roots were preserved at the destination, how
  their original legacy of values, customs and beliefs was reconciled
  with the local culture, how they were passed on to the next
- Specific traditions, customs, norms from the place of one’s roots
- Passing on the legacy: stories told to children and teenagers about
  their roots and places of origin
- Analyses of literary (or cinematographic) sagas depicting journeys,
  stories and quests in relation to their characters’ roots and

Mythical and spiritual roots and legacies:

- Early religious practices and beliefs of groups or cultures, that
  evolved or were integrated into more complex institutions such as
  religions and religious rituals
- Sacred symbols, practices or spiritual representations passed on
  through generations
- Variations of the ancestors cult around the world
- Mythical origins of groups or civilizations: tales of heroes,
  magic, divine intervention
- Myth and folklore passed on through generations: fairytales,
  mythical creatures, physical incarnations of good and evil in old
  popular beliefs, customs, tales or songs
- The role of certain spiritual practices and beliefs in maintaining
  connection to one’s roots

Personal primary roots and legacies: family and home:

- How can families provide strong roots while also fostering
- How is legacy created and managed in families where the parents
  come from very different roots? (E.g. different countries, cultures,
  religions etc.)
- Family practices, traditions and celebrations through which their
  roots and ancestry are honoured
- Legacy and child rearing: raising one’s children like their parents
  and grandparents before them

Violent uprootings:

- Uprooted by war or political persecution – the separation of war or
  political refugees from family, friends and culture and struggle to
  maintain their identity in their new homeland
- Cutting off ties with one’s family, community or society as a
  result of conflict and/or traumatic experiences (domestic violence,
  rape, discrimination, other forms of victimization)
- Being exiled, shunned or otherwise cast out of one’s family, group
  or society
- Losing one’s roots to violence (mass murder, terrorism, genocide)
- Violent consequences of becoming uprooted – violent crime as a
  result of failure to integrate within a new culture (e.g. terrorism)

Clinical aspects of roots and legacies:

- How important is genetic legacy in shaping a person in comparison
  to nurture and cultural legacy?
- How important are strong roots to one’s mental wellbeing?
- Potential consequences of becoming uprooted on one’s mental health
- The importance of strong roots in the proper mental development and
  positive self-image of children and teenagers
- Mental illnesses associated with becoming uprooted
- Cutting off from one’s roots as a means of obtaining personal
  growth, freedom, healing

Roots, legacies and society:

- Ancient legacies in present cultures – how the traditions, customs,
  beliefs etc. of past civilizations have shaped and are living on in
  their modern descendants.
- How can multiple (sometimes conflicting) social roots be reconciled
  into a new legacy?
- What part did roots and legacies play in shaping the world (or a
  specific society) as it is today?
- How did people’s attachment to their roots or their becoming
  uprooted influence major historic, economic, social, demographic or
  geo-politic events or phenomena?
- The legacy of influential political regimes and how it impacts
  today’s societies (e.g. communism)
- Civic activism and causes dedicated to the right, need or capacity
  to preserve one’s roots or against discrimination on the grounds of
  one’s origin.

Roots and legacies in the 21st century:

- Reflexive modernity and individualization as predictors of the
  waning importance of roots
- Finding new ways to stay connected to our roots in a fast-moving,
  fast-changing world
- The effect of growing multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism on the
  importance of roots and legacies in modern people’s lives
- Mass uprootings of the 21st century (migrations, waves of refugees
  etc.) – their causes and their consequences on those uprooted and on
  the societies of departure and of destination
- The role of digital communication (internet, smartphones, social
  media etc.) in maintaining connection with one’s roots
- Growing roots in cyberspace – bonding and partaking in culture,
  common history, jargon, values, norms and traditions in virtual
  worlds and online communities.
- The legacy of the 21st century – what are we leaving (or hoping
  to/not to leave) behind for future generations?

The Project Team particularly welcomes the submission of pre-formed
panel proposals. Proposals will also be considered on any related

Call for Cross-Over Presentations
The Roots and Legacies project will be meeting at the same time as a
project on Cars In/Of Culture and another project on Sport. We
welcome submissions which cross the divide between both project
areas. If you would like to be considered for a cross project
session, please mark your submission “Crossover Submission”.

What to Send
300 word abstracts, proposals and other forms of contribution should
be submitted by Friday 1st April 2016. All submissions be minimally
double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global
panel drawn from members of the Project Team and the Advisory Board.
In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal
is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 15th April
2016. If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft
of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 5th August 2016.

Abstracts may be in Word, RTF or Notepad formats with the following
information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in
programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of
proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.
E-mails should be entitled: Roots and Legacies Submission

Where to Send
Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising

Ioana Cartarescu Petrica: i...@inter-disciplinary.net
Rob Fisher: roo...@inter-disciplinary.net

This event is an inclusive interdisciplinary research and publishing
project. It aims to bring together people from different areas and
interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are
innovative and exciting.

All papers accepted for and presented at the conference must be in
English and will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook.
Selected papers may be developed for publication in a themed hard
copy volume(s). All publications from the conference will require
editors, to be chosen from interested delegates from the conference.

Inter-Disciplinary.Net believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and
professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should
attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to
make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract for
presentation. Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-profit
network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with
conference travel or subsistence.

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