
Call for Papers

Theme: Space and Place
Type: 7th Global Meeting
Institution: Inter-Disciplinary.Net
   Mansfield College, University of Oxford
Location: Oxford (United Kingdom)
Date: 1.–3.9.2016
Deadline: 1.4.2016


Space and place affect the very way in which we experience,
understand, navigate and recreate the world. Wars are fought over
both real and imagined spaces; boundaries are erected against
marginalised individuals, groups and populations, constructing a
lived landscape of inclusion and exclusion. Space and place are also
the focus of the creation and contestation of uncontainable
mobilities — be they human, identities, cultures, meanings,
information, finances and objects — that are causing geographies to
shift and change. Moreover, the existence of space and place are
(is?) irrevocably intertwined with, and created by, technologies,
communication and culture, knowledge, politics, economics, power and
lived experience. Understanding spatial relationships and the
tensions and dynamics that inform them enables us to gain important
insights into the processes that configure the spaces and places that
we move through, inhabit and live in, as well as the nature of our

Now in its seventh year, Space and Place: Exploring Critical Issues
is an established annual interdisciplinary conference project that
encourages critical and collegial dialogue. Recognising that
different disciplines and practices express themselves through
different modes, media and formats we strongly encourage the
submission of proposals from creative practitioners — artists,
architects, writers, photographers, painters, film-makers,
performers, urban planners — as well as people from related
professions, industries and activities and alternative forms of
performance. Critical accounts and descriptions of problem-solving
activities from ongoing projects that function to alter the nature
space and place as well as from projects that are in development are
also most welcome. We also strongly encourage traditional papers,
panels and workshop proposals.

We seek to create a dialogue amongst individuals and groups who are
concerned about the complex nature of space and place. Performances,
presentations, reports, works-in-progress, papers and workshops are
invited on issues related to any of the following themes:

1. Theorising space and place: How do space and place exist? What
aspects of human, and non-human behaviour act upon and constitute
space and place? From Deleuze to Latour to Hayles; from theories of
becoming to Actor-Network Theory to New Materialism, space and place
have become increasingly important dimensions to social and political
thought. We welcome any and all forms of presentations that seek to
participate and intervene in this critically important dialogue.

2. The situation and location of identities in space and place: How
is our sense of self and our relationship to others constituted
through our existence in space and place? How do space and place
interpellate the subject? How do human endeavours affect the
constitution of space and place and in so doing affect the nature of
our sense of self? How have the gradual decline of the nation-state
and the ascendance of the network state (Castells) affected the
relationship between the national identities of subjects and the
state within which they were born? We are moving away from rights
based on presence in space to rights based on legal status. What does
this mean for both national subjects and the space of the nation?

3. The space and place of the networked home: The concept and
structure of the home has, and continues, to occupy a privileged
position in human existence. How do the Internet, new media and the
build out of connected devices, appliances and other technologies
increasingly found in the home change the nature of the home as a
space and our place within it.

4. The creation and contestation of existing spaces and places: How
have existing spaces and places been created in the past, and how are
they lived in at present. Can we say that our existence in a given
space or place is ever and always without some form of contestation?
If not, then how is our living in an existing space or place
contested in the present? What does this mean for our existence as
individuals, groups and communities in terms of the spaces and places
that we inhabit? How is the distinction between the public and
private ownership of space affected by this ongoing contestation?
Does this distinction between private and public even make sense in a
world where people are increasingly mobile, and the articulation of
neoliberal property and economic rights that are attached to this
mobility are attempting to extinguish the legitimacy of public spaces
and the public ownership and governance of places? What is the future
of public space in a world that is increasingly neoliberal and

5. The repurposing of existing spaces and places: Tobacco curing
facilities in Durham, North Carolina, have become chic niche stores
for the wealthy and educated; warehouses in downtown Vancouver,
British Columbia, have become live-work spaces for artists,
entrepreneurs and small start-ups; a church in New York City has
become one of its landmark performance spaces. What are the processes
— local, national, global — that lead to the repurposing of existing
spaces and places? How do these processes, and the restructuring that
they lead to, affect the existence of individuals and groups who have
made use of these spaces and places prior to their repurposing? What
do they foretell for future acts of repurposing? What is the
relationship between the repurposing of spaces and places and their
reclamation? Is this simply a relationship between market structures
and legal structures, or are entirely new visions of society and
sociality being enacted in these repurposed and reclaimed spaces?

6. Representations of space and place in the media, film, literature,
TV, theatre, the fine arts and performance: From the haunted house in
horror movies to the foreboding, dark and desolate street in film
noir, to the streetscapes of the French new wave and the “painterly”
spaces in the films of Michael Mann, to the recreation of historical
New York in the literature of Carr and that of Berlin by Kerr, to the
implosion of space in the paintings of Alex Colville, space and place
have long been privileged, if unspoken subjects for the fine arts,
literature and film. We seek presentations by artists, authors,
photographers and filmmakers who wish to share their completed or
on-going visions of space and place. We also welcome critical
readings of these modes of expression and depiction of both space and

7. The spaces and places of social media: How do social media exist
as social space and places of congregation? Are these spaces and
places disrupting the fabric of our offline existence, or do they
merely supplement it? How do these new places and spaces of
sociability affect our sense of self and our relationship to others?

8. The nature and production of virtual space: William Gibson coined
the term cyberspace in 1984, and described it as a “consensual
hallucination.” Can we not, however, think of cyberspace literally,
as a space or place? If so, then how, and how does this new spatial
construct affect the lives of those who have come to inhabit
cyberspace? Do digital natives/Millenials, inhabit a world of spaces
and places that is different from Generation X and its predecessors?
If so, how, and what does this mean for the spaces and the places
—both virtual and real — of the future?

9. Mobile communication technologies and new urban spaces and places:
How have mobile phones and tablets changed our sense of space and
place and our relationships to those whom we communicate with? Can we
be said to be living in a space or greater immediacy as a result of
the deployment of mobile communications technologies? Have the mobile
phone and the tablet compressed space, or have they extended our
presence amongst others across space? Do the mobile phone and the
tablet enable us to inhabit new places? If so, then how are these
places constituted, and how are they inhabited?

10. Knowledge clusters, new industries and the globally networked
city: urban geography and industrial location theory and research
have long pointed out that knowledge clusters, information-based
industries and the policies regarding their location have lead to
rearticulation of spatial relationships that are detrimental to the
existing inhabitants of the places that these industries come to
occupy. This occurs as a result of political and economic spatial
segregation along with the construction of the transit networks that
link these clusters and industries directly to other such places via
networks of regional, national and global mobility. What are the
processes through which this is occurring in the early 21st century?
How are space and place rearticulated through these processes? What
are the strategies and tactics that are being deployed to resist the
dislocation that accompanies the build out of these industrial

11. Networks of mobility and their relationship to movement, space
and place: The twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have often
been characterised by the by the increasing movement and mobility of
people, objects, information, cultural meanings and financial
instruments through increasingly complex and extensive networks of
mobility — both physical and digital. How do these networks change
the nature of space and place in the early 21st century? What types
of spaces and places exist within these networks? Are we fated to
solely inhabit spaces within these networks? Do localised places
exist as counterpoints to these networks, or will networks of
mobility eventually envelope all forms of the local? How does our
sense of self and our relationship to others change as a result of
our increased mobility and movement through these networks and across

12. The spaces and places of global tourism: The global tourism
industry is currently valued at over $8 trillion, with annual
revenues in excess of $900 billion and 240 million individuals
directly employed in the industry. Tourism not only participates as a
key industry in the networks of mobility, but in so doing radically
reconfigures the existing spaces and places of the destinations that
people go to — politically, economically and industrially to name but
three dimensions of these effects. How does global tourism recreate
the spaces and places of the destinations that it profits from? What
are the effects of this recreation of space and place upon the
populations who inhabit these destinations?

13. Practice based proposals, research and reports on space and
place. As noted, above, critical accounts and descriptions of
problem-solving activities from ongoing projects that function to
alter the landscape of space and place — urban renewal, housing
development, the development of new forms of mobility, to name just
three — as well as from projects that are in development, are also
most welcome.

Please note: These criteria are by no means definitive. Presentations
on any other topic related to the general theme are welcome and will
most certainly be considered.

Supporting the conference’s interdisciplinary character, the
organizers propose to establish a dialogue between the parallel
meetings running during this event. Delegates are welcome to attend
up to two sessions in each of the concurrent conferences.

Details of our review policy can be found here:

Call for Cross-Over Presentations
The Space and Place project will be meeting at the same time as a
project on Food and another project on Videogames. We welcome
submissions which cross the divide between both project areas. If you
would like to be considered for a cross project session, please mark
your submission “Crossover Submission”.

What to Send:
300 word abstracts, proposals and other forms of contribution should
be submitted by Friday 1st April 2016. All submissions be minimally
double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global
panel drawn from members of the Project Team and the Advisory Board.
In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal
is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 15th April
2016. If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft
of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 27th May 2016.

Abstracts may be in Word, RTF or Notepad formats with the following
information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in
programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of
proposal, f) up to 10 keywords. E-mails should be entitled: Space and
Place Abstract Submission

Organising Chairs:
Harris Breslow: har...@inter-disciplinary.net
Rob Fisher: s...@inter-disciplinary.net

This event is an inclusive interdisciplinary research and publishing
project. It aims to bring together people from different areas and
interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are
innovative and exciting.

A number of eBooks and paperback books have been published or are in
press as a result of the work of this project. All papers accepted
for and presented at the conference must be in English and will be
eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may be
developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s). All
publications from the conference will require editors, to be chosen
from interested delegates from the conference.

Inter-Disciplinary.Net believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and
professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should
attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to
make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract for
presentation. Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-profit
network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with
conference travel or subsistence.

Further details and information can be found at the conference


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