
Conference Announcement

Theme: Kai Draper's War and Individual Rights
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace,
Stockholm University
Location: Vaxholm (Sweden)
Date: 24.–25.6.2016


Much of the recent just war literature understands the ethics of war
in terms of the rights and duties of individuals. In 'War and
Individual Rights' (OUP, 2015) Kai Draper takes individual rights as
his point of departure, arguing that such rights serve as constraints
not only in the face of individual interests, but also national
interests. From this, he develops a novel account of the ethics of
war that he argues is more consistent with a rights-based approach
than other rights-based views. One of Draper’s central claims is that
we ought to reject the doctrine of double effect – one of the
traditional cornerstones of the just war tradition – as both
untenable and pernicious. Neither the standard doctrine, nor
relatives of it, succeed as justification for killing the innocent.
However, Draper does not embrace pacifism. Rather, he suggests that,
amongst other things, a person’s being an expected beneficiary of a
war can justify imposing risks of harms on her. Draper also argues
that some non-combatants become liable to attack by causally
contributing to an unjust war, but that not all contributions will
result in such liability. 

Draper’s book is a significant publication in the field. Papers at
the workshop will in part respond to Draper’s arguments and in part
develop ideas from the book. The workshop is free to attend, but
places are limited. It will take place at Waxholms Hotell on Vaxholm
in the Stockholm archipelago (Vaxholm is accessible by regular ferry
boats and by bus or car). The workshop begins after lunch on the
24th, and concludes after lunch on the 25th.

Victor Tadros (Warwick)
Jonathan Parry (Birmingham)
Lars Christie (Oxford and Oslo)
Nicola Kemp (USC)
Gerald Lang (Leeds)

Walxholms Hotel, Vaxholm

If you would like to attend, please email Helen Frowe


Prof. Helen Frowe, Director
Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
Department of Philosophy
Stockholm University
SE-10691 Stockholm
Email: helen.fr...@philosophy.su.se


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