
Call for Papers

Theme: Afrasian Transformations
Subtitle: Beyond Grand Narratives?
Type: African-Asian Encounters
Institution: Goethe University Frankfurt
Location: Frankfurt/Main (Germany)
Date: 28.–30.9.2016
Deadline: 30.4.2016


Across various disciplines, our understanding of African-Asian
interactions and their transformative potential has been
significantly shaped by grand narratives and theoretical frameworks.
The Global South, postcolonialism, the Indian Ocean World or China’s
Scramble for Africa are routinely invoked to understand African-Asian
encounters, as are different notions of development, area studies or
transregionalism. These epistemological lenses have informed our
perspectives and generated important insights, but they have also
created significant blind spots. For instance, restricting the focus
of attention to Chinese agency shifts attention away from other Asian
(and African) actors. Many scholars working on the Indian Ocean
emphasize connectivity but pay little attention to conflict and
boundary making.

Concepts such as the Global South or postcolonialism highlight a
common past of oppression and resistance, but it is by no means
certain whether that past can serve as secure orientation for the
present and the future. The intricate small and large Afrasian
stories of transformation that we encounter in our research often
seem to strain against the limits imposed by the grand narratives we
habitually come across in our fields of expertise. Coming to terms
with Afrasian transformations in the social world may indeed involve
a challenge to revise the theoretical frameworks that inform our own

This interdisciplinary conference is part of a series of
international conferences on African-Asian Encounters that started
with “New Cooperations – New Dependencies?” (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
March 2014) and continued with “Re-Thinking African-Asian
Relationships: Changing Realities – New Concepts” (Cape Town, South
Africa, March 2015). The Frankfurt Conference invites scholars to
take stock of various grand narratives in their respective research
work, to critically reconsider current theoretical and methodological
frameworks employed in understanding African-Asian interactions, and
to discuss how they navigate between empirical work and theory
production. In what ways do their findings challenge existing grand
narratives? Do we need to rethink or modify these narratives? Should
we move beyond grand narratives altogether? Or can we come up with
new narratives that capture present – and future – Afrasian realities
in new ways?

We invite contributions that theorize African-Asian interactions and
address grand narratives prevalent in/across various disciplines. We
also welcome contributions that reflect on African-Asian interactions
in various fields and connect their empirical findings to the overall
conference theme.


1. Redefining the Global South
What are the uses of the ‘Global South’ as an analytical category?
How postcolonial are Afrasian interactions? South-South solidarity: a
legacy of common struggles, an ideological smokescreen or a utopian
vision? Do new multilateral fora, such as BRICS or IBSA change myths
and realities of the Global South?

2. Reassessing the Indian Ocean
What are the benefits and limits of the ‘Indian Ocean’ as an
analytical framework for African-Asian interactions? How far does
the Indian Ocean World extend and how does its history and memory
relate to contemporary realities? How African/Chinese is the Indian
Ocean? How do old and new Asian diasporas in Africa relate to each
other? Are new African diasporas in Asia part of an Indian Ocean

3. Afrasian Approaches to Development
Do African-Asian interactions make a difference to ideas of (world)
development? Have they challenged ‘western’ notions of development?
Do they translate into specific Asian (or African) policies and how
do they relate to realities on the ground? Have they generated new
models of – or counter-narratives to – development?

4. Afrasia in a Wider World
Afrasia: superfluous neologism or necessary transregional
perspective? How do transnational and transregional approaches
intersect, in which way do they differ? How do African-Asian
interactions contribute to the emergence of a multipolar world? In
what way do they transform the theory and practice of area studies
more generally?

Abstract Submissions

Papers will be allocated 20 minutes for oral presentation. Please
submit a 250 to 300-word abstract and a 200-word biographical note by
30 April 2016. The conference organizers also accept proposals for
panels with three speakers; in this case, all required information on
all of the presenters and their papers must be provided. The
biographical note should mention the presenter’s name and title,
affiliation, country, email address, and provide information about
disciplinary and professional background, research interests and
relevant publications of the applicant. Please indicate to which
theme you would like to contribute. Please send your documents to:

Important Dates

30 April 2016: Deadline for Abstracts
1 June 2016: Notification of Acceptance / Opening of Registration
1 August 2016: Deadline for Presenter Registration
1 September 2016: Deadline for Participant Registration
Conference: 28-30 September 2016

Registration fees will be 100 Euro (by bank transfer to Frankfurt
University); further details will be provided upon registration).
There is a reduced fee of 60 Euros for graduate students and PhD
students (please send proof of your status). Local students and
postdocs may attend sessions for free, space permitting. Limited
funds are available to support emerging scholars from Africa and Asia.

For all general inquiries please write to:

For more information on the conference visit:


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