
Call for Papers

Theme: Reinvigorating the Pan-African Intelligentsia
Subtitle: Developing Organizations and Institutions Committed to
Serving African People
Type: 4th Biennial Kwame Nkrumah International Conference (KNIC4)
Institution: Lincoln University
Location: Lincoln University, PA (USA)
Date: 16.–19.9.2016
Deadline: 15.4.2016


With its theme, Reinvigorating the Pan-African Intelligentsia:
Developing Organizations and Institutions Committed to Serving
African People, the KNIC4 has as its first aim the amassing of
intellectual, academic, and technological reports and proposals
addressing the challenges facing African people globally. Conference
participants will debate the causes, effects, and dynamics of
neo-colonialism’s nagging erosion of Pan-African unity. The
conference will bring together leading scholars, researchers, and
policy makers to discuss and share innovative and creative ideas,
projects and solutions to generate the Pan-African intelligentsia
that will serve Africans in both the African homeland and globally.

This announcement serves as a call for presentations for this
conference. Before submissions are made we encourage potential
presenters to consider the following text written by Kwame Nkrumah,
Class Struggle in Africa:

The intelligentsia always leads the nationalist movement in its early
stages. The cohesiveness of the intelligentsia before independence
disappears once independence is achieved. It divides roughly into
three main groups. First, there are those who support the new
privileged indigenous class, the bureaucratic, political and business
bourgeoisie who are the open allies of imperialism and
neocolonialism. These members of the intelligentsia produce the
ideologists of anti-socialism and anti-communism and of capitalist
political and economic values and concepts.

Secondly, there are those who advocate a non-capitalist road of
economic development, a mixed economy for the less industrialised
areas of the world, as a phase in the progress towards socialism.
This concept, if misunderstood and misapplied, can probably be more
dangerous to the socialist revolutionary cause in Africa than the
former open pro-capitalism, since it may seem to promote socialism,
whereas in fact it may retard the process. History has proved, and is
still proving, that a non-capitalist road, unless it is treated as a
very temporary phase in the progress towards socialism, positively
hinders its growth. By allowing capitalism and private enterprise to
exist in a state committed to socialism, the seeds of a reactionary
seizure of power may be sown. The private sector of the economy
continually tries to expand beyond the limits within which it is
confined, and works ceaselessly to curb and undermine the socialist
policies of the socialist-oriented government. Eventually, more often
than not, if all else fails, it succeeds, with the help of
neocolonialists, in organizing a reactionary coup d’état to oust the
socialist-oriented government.

The third section of the intelligentsia to emerge after independence
consists of the revolutionary intellectuals; those who provide the
impetus and leadership of the worker-peasant struggle for all-out
socialism. It is from among this section that the genuine
intellectuals of the African Revolution are to be found. Very often
they are minority products of colonial educational establishments who
reacted strongly against its brain-washing processes and who became
genuine socialist and African nationalist revolutionaries. It is the
task of this third section of the intelligentsia to enunciate and
promulgate African revolutionary socialist objectives, and to expose
and refute the deluge of capitalist propaganda and bogus concepts and
theories poured out by the imperialist, neocolonialist and
indigenous, reactionary mass communications media.

Intelligentsia and intellectuals, if they are to play a part in the
African Revolution, must become conscious of the class struggle in
Africa, and align themselves with the oppressed masses. This involves
the difficult, but not impossible, task of cutting themselves free
from bourgeois attitudes and ideologies imbibed as a result of
colonialist education and propaganda.

The ideology of the African Revolution links the class struggle of
African workers and peasants with world socialist revolutionary
movements and with international socialism. It emerged during the
national liberation struggle, and it continues to mature in the fight
to complete the liberation of the continent, to achieve political
unification, and to effect a socialist transformation of African
society. It is unique. It has developed within the concrete situation
of the African Revolution, is a product of the African Personality,
and at the same time based on the principles of scientific socialism.
(pp. 39 &40)

Nkrumah wrote the above more than four decades ago but the truth of
those words are still evident in the challenges facing African
descendants globally. In some cases, the situation is more
devastating than in the period that Nkrumah reported about. The
intelligentsia of a people is rooted in the interest of a class that
it seeks to protect. The Pan-African intelligentsia, in order to be
true to its name, puts the interest of the African masses first and
foremost on its agenda of priorities. Pan-African institutions like
the African Union require the regeneration and adaptation of the
Pan-African intelligentsia to reframe the solutions needed for
African Renaissance and the general increased valuation of African
lives globally. KNIC4 will afford participants an opportunity to
share research and ideas on the realities, challenges, and strategies
for developing the Pan-African intelligentsia in the age of
globalization, with a particular focus on ways of impacting and
influencing institutions/organizations of people of African descent
for the development of Africans everywhere. Finally, the conference
will clarify the role of the Pan-African intelligentsia in informing
strategies for African development and integration into the world

This year’s conference is a sequel to, and builds on, the very
successful inaugural Kwame Nkrumah International Conference (KNIC)
held at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in the summer of 2010 the 2nd
Biennial KNIC held at KNUST in the fall of 2012, and KNIC3 held again
at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in 2014. KNIC4 takes off from
where the first three conferences ended by seeking to enhance
Pan-African agency through cutting edge research and innovative ideas
on Pan-African development within context of 21st century global

KNIC4 invites submissions from scholars, graduate and undergraduate
students, Pan-African organizers, African government personnel, as
well as members of Non-Governmental Organizations and Civic Society
Organizations (NGOs and CSOs).

Recommended Presentation Topics

Institutional issues
- Assessing educational institutions and the Pan-African Personality
- Assessing social institutions and the Pan-African Personality
- Assessing religious institutions and the Pan-African Personality
- Assessing economic institutions and the Pan-African Personality
- Assessing political institutions and the Pan-African Personality
- Developing the African Intelligentsia into the Pan-African
- Intelligentsia The mission and objectives of the Pan-African
- University Curricular issues facing Pan-African curricula

Contemporary challenges
- The limitations of non-viable economies and nation-states
- Eurocentric hegemony and African recolonization
- Sinocentric hegemony and the side effects of ‘soft-power’
- Proxy wars on the African homeland and the devaluation of Black
- Lives Africans and the Global Police Apparatus

Future recommendations
- Building liberated zones that engender the Pan-African
- Science and Technology for Pan-African development
- Political and Economic models for Pan-African unity
- Supportive programs for Pan-African culture generators 

Paper Abstract Submission

Abstracts of approximately 250 words for papers of 20 minutes’
delivery duration – coupled with suggestions of panels consisting of
3 panelists each – are welcome and should be e-mailed, with a short
bio-note (50 words) contact address, and one to three keywords
related to the area of research to: Dr. D. Zizwe Poe,
nkrumah...@gmail.com no later than April 15, 2016, final notification
of selection to be communicated by April 30, 2016.

Although efforts are being made to secure some funding for the
encouragement and assistance of participation by scholars from
outside North America and Europe -- especially young scholars -- the
organizers are unable, at this time, to offer financial support.
Therefore, as of now, participants are responsible for their own
expenses until later notified otherwise. Participants from countries
requiring a visa to enter the United States of America (USA) must
make arrangements to secure them before they travel to the USA.


Dr. D. Zizwe Poe
Department of History, Political Science, Religion, and Philosophy
Lincoln University
Lincoln University, PA 19352
Phone: +1 484 365.7180
Email: nkrumah...@gmail.com  or  d...@lincoln.edu


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