
Call for Papers

Theme: Justice and the Other
Type: 4th Annual International Conference
Institution: Centre for Phenomenology in South Africa
Location: Chintsa (South Africa)
Date: 24.–26.3.2017
Deadline: 31.1.2017


 The contemporary discourse of post-colonialism, which addresses such
issues as imperialism, migration, xenophobia, assimilation,
hybridity, alterity, subaltern peoples or the status of the refugee,
calls for a thinking of the various modalities of exclusion or
othering, whether on the basis of gender, race, nationality, culture,
religion or species, and also for a way of thinking of the relation
with the other that is beyond the law – a relation of justice
perhaps, which is bent on redressing the effects of these various
modes of exclusion. Who or what is ‘the other’? Does ‘the other’
refer to the inner strangeness of the self that haunts it and that it
repudiates by projecting it onto others? Or does it refer to the
strangeness of the other, his or her radical alterity? What are the
ways in which the other is othered? Is othering always to commit an
injustice? How can justice be a concern for the otherness of the

Some of these questions, including the question concerning our
various relations with the other – legal, ethical, historical or
psychological – have been at the forefront of past and current
studies in philosophy and in other disciplines such as psychology,
cultural studies, and history. In particular, some of them have
received special attention in the works of Husserl, Stein, Heidegger,
Sartre, de Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, Lacan, Foucault,
Deleuze, Ricoeur, Derrida, Nancy and Fanon. 

The aim of this three-day international conference is to explore the
many sides and facets of the question of the other, othering and
justice in philosophy and related disciplines. Topics include but are
not restricted to:

- Othering and exclusion, ethics and justice

- Migration, xenophobia, Afriphobia, Islamophobia,
  Orientalism, racism, colonialism, sexism, genderism, human
  trafficking, speciesism, assimilation, appropriation, hybridity,
  alterity, subaltern peoples, the status of the refugee

- Otherness and the mind-body problem, the problem of other minds

- The self and the other: subjectivity, sympathy, empathy,
  shame, mourning, friendship

- Justice and the othering of nature

- Methodological otherness: phenomenology and other schools of
  thought in philosophy

- African Philosophy and the limits of Western Philosophy

- Otherness in Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Fichte, Leibniz, Hegel, Marx,
  Nietzsche, Freud, Benjamin, Husserl, Stein, Heidegger, Jaspers,
  Scheler, Sartre, de Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty, Buber, Ricoeur,
  Levinas, Lévi-Strauss, Althusser, Lacan, Foucault, Derrida, Taylor,
  Irigaray, Nancy, Rorty, Gramsci, Kristeva, Fanon, Biko, Wiredu,
  Appiah, Hountondji, Said, Spivak, Singer, Regan

- The problem of other minds in Descartes, Locke, Mill, Wittgenstein,
  Ryle, Ayer, Kripke, Nagel, Malcolm, Jackson, McGinn, McDowell, Rorty


Please provide a 500 word abstract for blind review and send it to
<ujphenomenol...@gmail.com>. The full paper should be no more than
3.500-4.000 words (the conference format allows for a 35-40 min.
presentation followed by a 10-15 min. discussion).

The deadline for submission of abstracts is the 31st of January 2017.
Notification of acceptance will be sent latest by the 20th of
February 2017.

Main organisers:
Abraham Olivier and Rafael Winkler

Organising team:
Abraham Olivier, Rafael Winkler, Filip Maj, Catherine Botha, Rianna
Oelofsen, John Lamola, Sampie Terreblanche


Abraham Olivier and Rafael Winkler
Email: ujphenomenol...@gmail.com
Web: http://saphenomenology.wordpress.com


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