
Call for Papers

Theme: The Impact of 'Justice' on the Roman Empire
Type: 13th Workshop
Institution: Network Impact of Empire
Location: Ghent (Belgium)
Date: 21.–24.6.2017
Deadline: 1.10.2016


The thirteenth workshop of the network Impact of Empire will take
place in Ghent, 21-24 June 2017: The Impact of ‘Justice’ on the Roman


“There is a people on earth that fights for the freedom of others …
so that there would be no unjust rule in the world and everywhere
justice, and divine and human law would be strongest.” (Livy, 33,33)

‘Justice’ was the moral value that most legitimised Rome’s right to
rule. It was the core political virtue that justified the power
entrusted to a living emperor. Elites, city-dwellers, land-holders
and peasants, from widely different cultural backgrounds, were
addressed as—and millions believed themselves to be—stakeholders of a
social order that was fundamentally governed by law and justice. And
yet, the violence and brutality with which Rome conquered and subdued
its empire was on a scale rarely witnessed before. Its rule relied on
structural violence towards slaves and indigenous people. The ‘rule
of law’ that Rome imposed, cannot have been perceived as just by all
inhabitants of the empire. Nonetheless, millions of them did expect
justice from Roman authorities, or local authorities backed up by
Rome, and arranged their lives accordingly. For centuries, the magic

In this workshop we wish to focus on how law and justice affected the
creation and working of the empire’s social, economic and
administrative system. Our emphasis will be on the workings of legal
systems within imperial societies, rather than on jurisprudence as

Many subjects can be favourably explored, but to ensure coherence we
will limit our choice of proposals to the following topics

1. how the concept of justice resonated through the empire’s
political culture(s) from the emperor down to local authorities (or
how it was challenged by counter-cultures)

2. how dominant ideologies co-opted notions of justice as a means of
legitimating the social power of civic and imperial elites, and of
the emperor

3. how the concept of justice was perceived through and influenced by
cultural manifestations

4. how and how far administration enforced the law

5. how legal institutions—those endowed with the authority to create
and those with the authority to interpret and enforce
rules—functioned and changed

6. how Roman law and other legal traditions (Greek, Punic, Jewish,
Christian…) regulated and affected social and economic life


We invite both established and early career scholars interested in
presenting a paper or a poster to send the provisional title, a short
summary (c. 100-150 words) of their paper or poster and brief
biographical note to Wouter Vanacker (wouter.vanac...@ugent.be).
About 20 participants of the workshop will read a paper; c. 5
participants will present a poster. Speaking time: 30 minutes. Only
papers which directly address the issues raised in this call for
paper can be considered for selection.

Deadline for the submission of proposals for paper / poster:
1 October, 2016

Papers, if of sufficient quality, will be published in the
proceedings of the workshop, by Brill, Leiden - Boston.

Participants are expected to cover their travel expenses, though
there may be a few stipends for especially junior scholars who cannot
get reimbursement from their home institutions. The organisers aim to
offer accommodation and lunches to the speakers and some meals.

Organizing committee:

Koenraad Verboven
Olivier Hekster
Wouter Vanacker


Wouter Vanacker
Email: wouter.vanac...@ugent.be


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