
Call for Papers

Theme: Living Together in Peace and Harmony
Type: 4th Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious
Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding
Institution: International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation
Location: New York, NY (USA)
Date: 31.10.–2.11.2017
Deadline: 9.6.2017


Contrary to the popular belief that conflict, violence, and war are
biologically and intrinsically part of the human nature, history
teaches us that at different times and places human beings,
irrespective of their faith, ethnicity, race, ideology, social class,
age and gender, have always created innovative ways of living
together in peace and harmony both as individuals and as groups.
While some of the approaches for peaceful coexistence are developed
by individuals, a greater part is inspired by and collectively
learned from the rich teachings inherent in the different domains of
our social systems - family, culture, religion, education, and
socio-political system.

The positive values embedded in the fabrics of our societies are not
only learned by the members of the society, most importantly, they
are commonly utilized to build bridges of peace and harmony,
resulting in the prevention of conflict. When conflict emerges,
however, individuals and groups with existing bridges of peace and
harmony, prior healthy relationships, and a willingness to
collaborate can deal with their conflict and find a mutually
satisfactory solution to the issues in conflict through a
collaborative, win-win, or integrative approach.

Similarly, and against the proposition that societies divided along
ethnic, racial, religious or sectarian lines are inevitably prone to
chaos and violent conflict, or that relationships involving people of
different ethnicities, races, and faiths are susceptible to eternal
conflict and failure, a careful study of these societies and
relationships reveals, confirms and supports the scientific assertion
about the magnetic force of attraction which states that  magnets are
attracted by their opposite poles - the north (N) and south (S) poles
- just as the positive (+) and negative (−) electrical charges
attract each other to produce light.

However, most skeptics and pessimists who doubt the possibility of
living together in peace and harmony in ethnically, racially, or
religiously divided societies and countries may cite the numerous
examples of cultural misunderstanding, discrimination, segregation,
racism, bigotry, conflict, hate crime, violence, war, terrorism, mass
murder, ethnic cleansing, and even genocide that have occurred in the
past and are currently occurring in many polarized countries around
the world. Thus, and in scientific terms, human beings have been
regrettably presented with a false assumption that opposite poles
repel each other and only like poles attract each other.

This assumption which is currently spreading in many countries around
the world is dangerous. It leads to the dehumanization of the
“other”. Therefore, it needs to be corrected immediately before it is
too late.

The 4th Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious
Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding seeks to inspire and coordinate
a global effort to humanize humanity by providing a platform and an
opportunity for a pluridisciplinary, scholarly, and meaningful
discussion on how to live together in peace and harmony, especially
in ethnically, racially, or religiously divided societies and
countries. Through this pluridisciplinary scholarly encounter, the
conference hopes to stimulate inquiries and research studies that
draw on knowledge, expertise, methods, and findings from multiple
disciplines to address a broad range of problems that inhibit the
ability of humans to live together in peace and harmony in different
societies and countries, and at different times and in different or
similar situations.

Interested researchers, theorists, and practitioners from any fields
of study, including the natural sciences, social sciences, behavioral
sciences, applied sciences, health sciences, humanities and arts, and
so on, are encouraged to submit abstracts and / or full papers for
presentation at the conference.

Guidelines for Paper Submission

All abstracts and papers for presentation at the 4th Annual
International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution
and Peacebuilding must focus on how to live together in peace and
harmony. Qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods research studies
are accepted. Case studies, lessons learned, success stories and best
practices from academics, practitioners, religious leaders, business
leaders or entrepreneurs, artists, law enforcement or military, and
policymakers are also accepted.

In addition to papers for presentation, interested artists and
musicians are invited to submit entries on their artistic works such
as music, paintings, poems, or any artistic works that highlight how
humans can live together in peace and harmony.

Also, this conference wants to shed light on how interracial,
interethnic, interreligious, inter-sectarian, or international
couples are living together in peace and harmony in different parts
of the world. Therefore, couples who are currently enjoying any of
these types of mixed marriages are invited to submit abstract and /
or full paper that describes how they have succeeded in building a
healthy marriage relationship and family irrespective of their ethnic
or religious backgrounds. Accepted papers are those that include a
narration of lessons learned and best practices for living together
in peace and harmony. Researchers, theorists, and practitioners
working on mixed marriages and families are also invited to submit
abstract and / or full paper on this topic.

Proposal for a Panel: Researchers, theorists, and practitioners can
submit a joint proposal for a special panel discussion on any topics
focusing on how humans can live together in peace and harmony.

Papers for presentation must be between 3,500 and 4,000 words,
submitted with 300-350 word abstracts, and a biography of no more
than 50 words. Authors can send their 300-350 word abstracts before
submitting the full paper.

Abstract Submission Deadline is Friday, June 9, 2017.

For further information, please visit the conference website:


Basil Ugorji
International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation
11 W. Prospect Avenue, 3rd Floor
Mount Vernon, NY 10550
Email: ic...@icermediation.org


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