
Call for Papers

Theme: Migration and Diasporas
Type: 1st Global Conference
Institution: Progressive Connexions
Location: Vienna (Austria)
Date: 2.–3.12.2017
Deadline: 4.8.2017


In the past few years, humanity has been confronted with what the UN
calls “the largest humanitarian crisis since the creation of the
United Nations”: starvation, war and political oppression have
forcibly displaced a record number of over 65.6 million people
worldwide, leading to major social and political turmoil across the
globe. Refugees from developing countries such as Syria, Syria, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Yemen, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and more are
risking their lives in perilous journeys to escape certain demise,
only to often find themselves trapped in precarious conditions in
refugee camps across Europe, facing the ill sentiments of disgruntled
locals. At the same time, the EU and USA are struggling to balance
their immigration and asylum policies between their professed
commitment to upholding human rights and the growing pressures from
increasingly popular and vocal nationalistic movements.

All these recent developments have also added to the levels of
uncertainty faced by the millions of economic migrants, in search of
a better life. Developments built on nationalistic sentiment and
aversion towards immigrants, such as the British Brexit or the
attempted US travel bans and waves of deportations have made members
of Diasporas reconsider their options and renegotiate their

According to the UN and the International Organization for Migration,
there are around 250 million migrants worldwide and the number is
quickly rising. If they were to make up a nation, it would be the
fifth largest in the world. Migration is becoming a more and more
pressing social and political matter, one that will reshape the world
as we know it and the way governments and societies decide to handle
this crisis will be defining a new era for human rights and
international relations.

Our first interdisciplinary Migration and Diasporas conference seeks
to create a lasting network of professionals in all fields related to
this topic, to isolate, discuss and explore the main issues, pressing
matters and recent developments in this field of research and
activity, to identify areas to be subsequently explored in further
depth and to generate collaborative action that will lead to real,
lasting change in the way migration and migrants are perceived and
approached in institutional and informal settings.

Some of our suggested main issues to be approached include (but are
not limited to):

- Defining and measuring migration – identifying and analyzing trends
in migration, defining categories of migration and migrants,
presenting relevant data and instruments in migration studies etc.

- The current refugee crisis – refugee situation, struggles,
profiles, stories, efforts for integration,  international responses,
conditions in refugee camps, conditions for receiving asylum,
policies, best practices, international responsibilities, human
rights issues, media coverage etc.

- Global and local social responses to migration – attitudes towards
refugees and/or economic migrants, social and political movements,
debates and controversies based on immigration/emigration related

- Global and local implications of migration – social, political,
demographic, economic, religious etc consequences for both the
countries of origin and those of destination, for the migrants
themselves and for Diasporas.

- The migrant – case studies, profiles, typologies, integration and
identity issues, motivations etc.

- Narratives of displacement – migration and diaspora stories,
folklore, art, community building etc.

- Diasporas – community structure, struggles and achievements,
diaspora relationships with the country of origin or residence,
diaspora and power, diaspora social, economic and political
contributions etc.

- Policy and politics – migration policy trends in Western societies
and worldwide, impact and effectiveness of existing policies,
necessary changes in policy, geopolitical ramifications of national
and international migration policies

- Legal aspects of migration – legal vs illegal immigration, national
and international migration laws, legal provisions for obtaining
residency or asylum, migrants’ rights in theory and practice, legal
status of EU citizens in post-Brexit UK, legality of US travel bans

- Migration and the media – depiction of refugees, migrants and
migration in the media, role of social media and new technologies in
facilitating migration and maintaining relationships with the
diaspora, role of the press in increasing/defusing social tension
between migrants and locals etc.

- Looking into the future – scenarios for future trends in migration,
evolutions of diasporas, challenges for the future generations of
today’s migrants, future challenges for the countries of
origin/destination etc.

- Professing in the Field of Migration and Diasporas - issues,
hardships, frustrations, communication needs, big and small victories
and bright, hopeful moments of professionals working towards the
integration and aid of refugees or migrants in general, studying
migration and migrants, drafting or applying migration policies or
legislation, protecting country borders from illegal immigration

Our main goal is to facilitate dialogue and spark innovative
collaborations and discussions at an international level, in a
dynamic and interactive setting. Thus, we welcome participants from
all relevant disciplines, professions and vocations (NGO personnel,
aid workers, researchers, mental and physical health professionals,
educators, human rights activists, counselors, social workers, policy
makers, journalists, lawyers, politicians, business owners, military
personnel, customs workers and members of the border patrol, labour
specialists, historians, sociologists, psychologists, economists,
anthropologists, ethnographers social media experts, artists and many

What to Send

The aim of this interdisciplinary conference and collaborative
networking event is to bring together academics, professionals,
practitioners, NGO’s, voluntary sector workers etc. in the context of
a variety of formats: presentations, seminars, workshops, panels,
performances etc.

300 word reviews of your proposed contribution (paper abstracts,
proposals for workshops, collaborative works or round tables,
overviews of artistic projects or any other relevant forms of
participation you are interested in) should be submitted by Friday
4th August 2017.

All submissions will be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous
(blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the
Project Advisory Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our
procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it
will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 11th August

If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of
your contribution should be submitted by Friday 17th November 2017.

Proposals may be in Word, PDF, RTF or Notepad formats with the
following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in the
programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of
proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.

E-mails should be entitled:  Migration and Diasporas Submission

Where to Send

Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chair
and the Project Administrator:

Jonathan Rollins: jroll...@arts.ryerson.ca
Project Administrator: viennamigrat...@progressiveconnexions.net

Conference Outcomes and Outputs

The events we organise form a continual stream of conversations,
activities and projects which grow and evolve in different
directions. The outcomes and ‘outputs’ which can productively flow
from these is a dynamic response to the gatherings themselves. As our
meetings are attended by people from different backgrounds,
professions and vocations, the range of desirable outcomes are
potentially diverse, fluid and appropriate to what took place.

We anticipate that some papers and contributions from the conference
might contribute to a themed volume to be considered by the At The
Interface/Probing the Boundaries series published by Brill, for whom
Progressive Connexions director Dr Robert Fisher is Series Editor.
Potential editors will be chosen from interested conference delegates.

Additional possible outputs include: open volume on-line annuals;
online toolboxes and repositories; collaboration platforms; reviews;
reports; policy statements; position papers; declarations of
principles; petitions, subsequent meetings for in depth exploration
of specific issues, workshops, courses and schools; proposals for
personal and professional development opportunities; other options
you would like us to consider.


Progressive Connexions believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and
professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should
attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to
make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract or proposal
for presentation.

Please note: Progressive Connexions is a not-for-profit network and
we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel
or subsistence, nor can we offer discounts off published rates and

For further details and information please visit:


Dr. Rob Fisher
Priory House
149B Wroslyn Road
Freeland, Oxfordshire OX29 8HR
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1993 882087
Fax: +44 (0)870 4601132
Email: viennamigrat...@progressiveconnexions.net


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