
Call for Papers

Theme: Lost Voices in Metaethics
Type: International Conference
Institution: Department of Philosophy, University of Washington
Location: Seattle, WA (USA)
Date: 23.–24.8.2018
Deadline: 15.12.2017


One of the most exciting areas in recent philosophy is metaethics –
the investigation of the origins and basis of moral facts, moral
concepts, moral knowledge, and moral language. Metaethics is also one
of the most historically-oriented parts of contemporary philosophy,
regularly drawing inspiration from Plato, Aristotle, Hume, and Kant.

Male European philosophers have not been the only people with
metaethical interests, however. This conference aims to introduce
overlooked ideas and perspectives into contemporary metaethics. We
are particularly (but not exclusively) interested in thinkers from
outside the mainstream European philosophical tradition, including
thinkers who did not identify themselves as philosophers. To help
facilitate discussion, all papers should engage in some way with the
framework of contemporary metaethics (as described in, e.g., the
Routledge Handbook of Metaethics), though this engagement can be

The conference will take place on August 23-24, 2018 at the
University of Washington, Seattle. Abstracts of around 500 words
should be sent to Colin Marshall (crma...@uw.edu) no later than
December 15, 2017. Invitations to join the conference will be made by
late January 2018. We are currently able to award two travel grants
of $750 for non-tenured speakers, though we hope to secure more
funding in Spring 2018 (please indicate in your submission if you are
interested in these grants).

Papers presented at the conference should not be published or under
consideration for publication elsewhere. Routledge Press has
expressed interest in publishing a collection of papers resulting
from the conference, so speakers should be willing to prepare final
drafts of their papers by the end of 2018.


Colin Marshall
Department of Philosophy
University of Washington
382 Savery Hall
Seattle, WA 98195-3350
Email: crma...@uw.edu


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