
Call for Publications

Theme: Towards Global Citizenships
Publication: Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation
Date: Issue 2018,1 (February 2018)
Deadline: 31.1.2018


The process of globalisation and the deterritorialisation of
politics, rule and governance are reconfiguring the “state-centric”
model of the 19th and 20 th centuries. This implies immediate
consequences for those issues strictly linked to the nation-state
organizational form, such as that of citizenship. The modern
nation-state system has regulated membership in terms of national
citizenship. In the global era, however, the idea of a bounded
nation-state community appears to be, at the very least, problematic.
We are facing a disaggregation of citizenship, the emergence of an
international human rights regime and the spread of cosmopolitan

As globalisation proceeds, all of these phenomena challenge the three
regulative ideals on which democratic sovereignty is based: the idea
that people are the author and subject of laws, the ideal of a
unified demos and the idea of a self-enclosed and autochthonous
territory over which the demos governs. That is to say, the
institutional developments of our contemporary era unbundle the three
constitutive dimensions of citizenship: collective identity, the
privileges of political membership and the entitlements of social
rights and benefits.

Due to the global interconnections of human relations, we need a new
reconfiguration of the institution of citizenship, open to
subnational and transnational democratic iterations. Indeed, the new
form of post-Westphalian politics of global interdependence suggests
that democratic citizenship can also be exercised across national
boundaries: in local, transnational and global contexts. But, the new
meta-national citizenship has yet to be built: is it really possible
to organise a democracy without borders? How can we reconcile
cosmopolitism and democratic self-governance? Is there a
contraposition between human rights (the rights addressed to humans
as such) and citizens’ rights (the rights addressed to a specific
human, member of a particular community)? It could be interesting to
think of all these problems while also considering the possible need
for new forms of citizenship conceived beyond the borders of each
State before the realization of a better-defined concept of global
citizenship. It could also be useful to reflect upon the current
concept of citizenship and on its instability in the face of mass
migration, incapacity of nation states to control their own borders
and ever-increasing social inequality.


“Glocalism”, a peer-reviewed, open-access and cross-disciplinary
journal, is accepting manuscripts for publication for its 2018, 1
issue on the topic "Towards Global Citizenships". We welcome studies
with or without comparative approach, that address both practical
effects and theoretical import.

Articles can be in any language and length chosen by the author,
while its abstract and keywords have to be in English.

All articles should be sent to:

Deadline: January 31, 2018.
This issue is scheduled to appear at end-February 2018.


Elia Zaru
Member of the Editorial Board
Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation
Email: zaru.e...@gmail.com
Web: http://www.glocalismjournal.net


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