
Call for Papers

Theme: Justice and Markets
Type: Academic Conference
Institution: Aarhus University
Location: Aarhus (Denmark)
Date: 8.–10.1.2018
Deadline: 1.12.2017


From Andreas Brøgger Albertsen <a...@ps.au.dk>

In January 2018 a Conference on Justice and Markets will be held at
Aarhus University. The conference brings together academics, to
present and discuss research related to markets and justice. Given
the prominence and importance of justice and markets within different
areas of research, contributions from different perspectives,
including philosophy, politics and bioethics, are welcome.

Keynote Speakers:
James Stacey Taylor (New Jersey)
Janet Radcliffe Richards (Oxford)
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus)
Martin O'Neill (York)

Submit a paper for presentation or register for participation to:
Deadline: December 1, 2017
Registration is free and everyone is welcome to participate.

Confirmed presenters:
Anca Gheaus (UPF, Barcelona); Andreas Albertsen (Aarhus); Andreas
Cassee (Zürich); Andrew Walton (Newcastle); Alexandru Volacu
(Bucharest); David V. Axelsen (LSE); Hugh Lazenby (Glasgow); James
Christensen (Excess); Lasse Nielsen (Odense); Simon Rippon (CEU); Tim
Meijers (Utrecht); Tom Parr (Excess).

Everyone is welcome to attend. No registration fee. Free dinner for
all registered participants.


Andreas Albertsen, Political Science, Aarhus BSS

Lasse Nielsen, Philosophy, University of Southern Denmark


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