
Call for Applications

Theme: The Ethics of War / Humanitarian Military Intervention / The
Responsibility to Protect
Type: Doctoral Studentships
Institution: Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics
(CAPPE), University of Brighton
Location: Brighton (United Kingdom)
Date: from October 2018
Deadline: 8.1.2018


The University of Brighton's Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics
and Ethics (http://arts.brighton.ac.uk/research/cappe) is developing
its work in The Ethics of War / ’Humanitarian’ Military
Intervention / The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ as part of our AHRC
Techne Programme, which offers AHRC PhD awards for those commencing
study in October 2018.

Details are at:

The University itself also offers a number of fully-funded PhD

Exploratory inquiries including a one-side proposal and cv by 1
December to Dr Michael Neu: m....@brighton.ac.uk

Final Techne deadline: 8 January 2018


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