
Call for Papers

Theme: Nationalism in Times of Uncertainty
Type: ASN 2018 European Conference
Institution: Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)
   Centre for Southeast European Studies (CSEES), University of Graz
Location: Graz (Austria)
Date: 4.–6.7.2018
Deadline: 31.1.2018


The University of Graz, in cooperation with the Association for the
Study of Nationalities (ASN), is pleased to announce the joint
conference, "Nationalism in Times of Uncertainty" which will be held
from 4 to 6 July, 2018 in Graz, Austria. The conference will be
organized by the Centre for Southeast European Studies of the
University of Graz

The conference invites a broad range of papers and panels devoted to
questions of nationalism, ethnicity, national identity and other
related topics, with a focus on the Balkans, as well as Central
Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, comparative and theoretical

As an interdisciplinary event, it welcomes contributions from
political science, history, anthropology, sociology, sociology, law,
economics, geography, cultural studies, literature, psychology, and
related fields.

We particularly welcome panels and papers reflecting on the question
of uncertainty and ruptures, including on

- The Impact of Populism and the Crisis of Democracy
- The Centenary of the End of World War One and the emergence of new
- Breakdown of the post-WW I order in the Middle East
- The Aftermath of the Russian Revolution
- Muslim Nationalism in a transnational context
- Migration and Nationalist Responses
- Transnational dynamics of nationalism

Prospective applicants can review the broad thematic scope of ASN
conference papers by viewing programs from past conferences at:

Proposal Submissions

The ASN 2018 European Conference invites proposals for individual
papers and panels. The standard panel format consists of a chair and
three or four presenters. Conference proposals should be submitted in
English. All required information must be included in a single Word
or PDF document and attached to a single email message.

Individual Paper Proposal Requirements:

- Contact information: name, e-mail address, and academic affiliation
  of the applicant.
- Paper abstract (up to 500 words) with the title of the paper and no
  more than five keywords.
- A 100-word, one paragraph biographical statement in narrative form.
  Standard CVs will not be accepted.
- Individual proposals featuring more than one author (joint
  proposals) must include contact information and biographical
  statements for all authors.

Panel Proposal Requirements:

- Contact information for all panelists: names, e-mail addresses, and
  academic affiliations.
- Title of the panel and abstract (up to 500 words) for each paper.
- 100-word biographical statement for each panelist. Statements in a
  standard CV format will not be accepted.

We also welcome book panel proposals, which should include the same
information as panel proposals. The books should be significant
contributions to the field and preference is given to monographs.

Roundtables are also accepted and applications should follow panel
proposal format. These should distinguish themselves from panel
proposals by focusing on a) key events or developments, b)
methodological questions or c) new fields of research.

As a general rule, no person may appear more than twice on the
program and only once as a paper giver.

For more information about the Centre for Southeast European Studies,
see: http://www.suedosteuropa.uni-graz.at/
Conference information (program, logistical details, etc.) will be
available on the CSEES website.

Travel Grants

There will up to 30 travel and accommodation grants available. The
grants are aimed at graduate students and post-docs and will cover
travel costs (within Europe up to 200 Euros) and accommodation for
the duration of the conference.


Conference registration costs are:
Faculty: 100 Euros (ASN Members: 60 Euros)
Students: 60 Euros (ASN Members: 30 Euros)

Please send your proposals to asngra...@gmail.com by 31 January 2018.

Papers and panels will be assessment by an international board
composed of scholars from the ASN and the University of Graz.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent in March 2018.
The deadline for registration is 31 April 2018.
The draft program will be published by the end of May 2018.

For more information, please contact:
asngra...@gmail.com or suedosteur...@uni-graz.at

Conference website:


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