
Call for Papers

Theme: Africa and a World Without Borders
Subtitle: Philosophical Perspectives on Migration, Cosmopolitanism
and Transcultural Justice
Type: 24th ISAPS 2018 Conference
Institution: International Society for African Philosophy and Studies
   University of Cape Coast
Location: Cape Coast (Ghana)
Date: 25.–26.7.2018
Deadline: 15.3.2018


Some of the central issues that have arisen, in contemporary times,
in global politics, political philosophy and cognate disciplines, are
cosmopolitanism, migration, open borders and justice, especially
transcultural justice. With regard to migration this has become a
topical issue in recent years due to the rise of far right-wing
politics with strong anti-immigration platforms in Europe and
America. These anti-immigration platforms are constructed on the
evils of migration as threat to national security, development and
cultural identity while throwing into oblivion the good side of
migration. Anti-immigration policies across Europe and America have
seen tight border controls resulting in the death of tens of
thousands of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea who are fleeing from
poverty and imperial wars in their native countries. This disturbing
development raises several questions about the role of Europe and
America in the current upsurge in migration namely: Who are the cause
of underdevelopment in most migrant countries of origin? Who are the
architects of the imperial wars that trigger the upsurge of migration
in recent years? Who benefits immensely from migration, the host
countries or the migrants’ countries of origin? Are migrants really a
threat to national security of host nations? Is migration entirely

We invite contributions on topics that address these questions as
well as the following sub-themes:
Slavery and migration, migration and neo-colonialism, migration and
globalization, globalization and cosmopolitanism, globalization
versus nation state, cosmopolitanism and liberalism, cosmopolitanism
and communitarianism, economic and political underpinnings of
migration, economic naturalism and its implication on migration,
stateless citizens and the issue of human rights, wars as agency for
migration, migration and brain drain, justice, brain drain, and
Africa, communitarianism and brain drain, the myth of migration as
threat to security and development, the nexus between migration and
terrorism, the use and abuse of the visa regime, the ethics and
politics of open borders, liberalism and brain drain, liberalism and
open border, Africa and/or the African Union and open border.

Interested participants should send their abstracts to:

Abstract format:
Times New Roman 12 point. Maximum 500 words

Deadline for abstract submission:
March 15, 2018

Early submissions are encouraged, especially for those that will need
letter of confirmation to apply to their universities or other
institutions for funding.

Arrangements are being made with a major journal of philosophy for a
special edition focusing on especially well written and significant
papers that will emerge from this conference. Arrangements are also
being made for a book chapter with a reliable publisher for other
papers that may not fit into this special edition.

Conference fee:
Delegates whose papers are accepted will be required to pay a nominal
conference fee.

Conference organisers:
Prof. R. N. Osei (Chair), Dr. Husein Inusah (Secretary), Dr. Eric E.
Usifoh, Mr. Richard Ansah,  Mr. Kow-Kwegya Abraham, Mr. George Aboka,
Ms. Stela Antwiwaa

ISAPS executive:
Joseph Agbakoba (President); Edwin Etieyibo (Secretary/Treasurer)

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