
Call for Papers

Theme: Breaking the Eurocentric Model in the Humanities
Type: Premodern Workshop Multi-disciplinary Spring Conference
Institution: Consortium for the Study of the Premodern World, Center
for Early Modern History and Center for Medieval Studies, University
of Minnesota
Location: Minneapolis, MN (USA)
Date: 13.–14.4.2018
Deadline: 1.2.2018


The Premodern Workshop, a multi-disciplinary group of premodern
scholars at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, invites 250 word
abstracts for 10-15 minute talks on research, methodology or teaching
practices that challenge the Eurocentric approach to studying the
humanities. We will prioritize talks that fit into one of the
following categories:

- Original research on premodern topics outside of Europe. This
  includes, but is not limited to, themes that largely focus on Asian
  and South American topics, Indigenous Studies, African Studies, and
  other disciplines or subfields of the Humanities that emphasize
  extra-European histories, languages, epistemologies, and cultures.

- Teaching strategies for challenging Eurocentric framings while
  teaching courses focused on European topics, actors, and influences.

Deadline: February 1, 2018

Conference attendees will be invited to participate in a variety of
related events, including a tour of the University of Minnesota
Libraries’ premodern collections and a keynote address by Professor
Guojun Wang from Vanderbilt University.

This conference is supported by the Consortium for the Study of the
Premodern World, the Center for Early Modern History, and the Center
for Medieval Studies at the University of Minnesota.

For questions and comments, contact Emelin Miller (History of
Science) at mill6...@umn.edu or Jenna Lester (English) at

To submit an abstract, please fill out this Google form:


Emelin E Miller, PhD Candidate
University of Minnesota
Email: mill6...@umn.edu


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