
Call for Applications

Theme: Territorial Sovereignty in the Age of Migration
Type: Summer Course
Institution: Central European University
   Queen's University
Location: Budapest (Hungary)
Date: 9.–13.7.2018
Deadline: 14.2.2018


The importance of territory in the current world order is
undeniable.  Recent years have seen an explosion of empirical and
normative scholarly interest on the impact of migration,
globalization and state succession on territorial sovereignty across
many disciplines. In addition to the more “traditional” territorial
disputes, mass migration has raised new dilemmas over territorial
ownership, peoplehood and statehood.

The main aim of the course is to familiarize participants (advanced
MA students, PhD students, and young researchers) with the normative
dilemmas of and political struggles over territorial sovereignty and
ownership of territory in the contemporary world. The course provides
an overview of some of the main topical issues and scholarly
perspectives in the social sciences, with special but not exclusive
attention to the politics of territorial closure, extra-territorial
governance, territorial conflict, state recognition and minority
rights. Through the comparative analyses of different cases in and
outside Europe, the course seeks to familiarize participants with the
different normative frameworks of territorial exclusion and the
political claim-making strategies in territorial disputes. In the
case studies presented, a special attention is given to the role of
state, sub-state and supra-state actors in territorial conflict and
minority rights legislation.

Venue: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

Organized by Central European University, Budapest and Queen's
University, Kingston, Canada

Financial aid and travel grants are available.

Application deadline: 14 February, 2018

Course Faculty:
Keith Banting, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
Nina Caspersen, University of York, UK
Zsuzsa Csergő, Queen's University, Kingston,Canada
David Miller, University of Oxford, UK
Margaret Moore, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
Szabolcs Pogonyi, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

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