
Conference Announcement

Theme: Contemporary Tendencies of Studies in Philosophy of Religion
Subtitle: Gerhard Oberhammer and his Religious Hermeneutics
Type: International Conference
Institution: Department of History of Philosophy and Centre of
Humanitarian Education in Comparative Studies, Peoples' Friendship
University of Russia
   Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)
Location: Moscow (Russia)
Date: 19.–21.12.2017


The conference entails a general discussion on philosophical,
religious and methodological issues from an interdisciplinary
perspective. It has been decided to expand the conference’s range of
disciplines by including any specialists in the various branches of
philosophical and religious studies who are interested in this topic.

It is no secret for anyone that modern Western civilization finds
itself in a deep spiritual crisis. This has above all affected the
membership in traditional churches in Western European countries. The
inverse of this situation, filling the void in people’s worldview
created by this crisis, is seen in the various radical and even
extremist religious trends that have developed in recent years, as
well as ultraconservative trends within traditional religions.

These two sides are actually similar, since both limit the freedom of
their followers and decrease personal contact with God. But freedom
and its growth are an integral part of true religiosity, a
religiosity that doesn’t destruct the personality of a human being,
but in contrast helps form it. Research on this problematic is a
pertinent topic for today; it can be realized within the framework of
a range of paradigms and with the help of various methods. The
religious hermeneutics of Gerhard Oberhammer offer one such
forward-looking method. Although his method was formed on the basis
of West European philosophical traditions, it is exceptional due to
the fact that it can be successfully used for analyzing the sacred
texts of other cultures, as for example the sacred texts of India.
However, in examining Oberhammer’s writings and his method, it is
essential to compare them to earlier philosophical views on religion
and religiosity found within the philosophy of religion. Many such
views have influenced both the development of this discipline and the
form it takes today. They are thus as useful for us now as they were
in the past.


December 19, 2017

Registration (Aud. 415)

Welcoming speeches

Nur Kirabaev, prof., First vice-rector, vice-rector for research of
RUDN University

Hu Yeping, prof., The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy
(RVP), USA, Washington

Ruzana Pskhu, prof., Acc. Prof. of the Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences of RUDN University

Plenary meeting (Aud. 415)
Moderator: Nur Kirabaev

Oberhammer Gerhard (Innsbruck, Austria). Meghanādārisūri’s
doctrinethe jīva as the subject of knowing

Schmücker Marcus (The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual
History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna).
Venkatanatha on the Concept of Individual soul

Marlewicz Halina (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Krakow). The Religious
Hermeneutics of Gerhard Oberhammer and the Investigation of the
philosophical traditions of India

Pskhu Ruzana (PFUR, Moscow), Danilova Nadezhda (MSLU). Indological
works of Gerhard Oberhammer: linguistic analysis


Plenary meeting 2 (Aud. 611)
Moderator: Prof. Belov Vladimir

Hu Yeping (RVP, Washington). Hermeneutic Interpretation and
Understanding in Communication across Cultures, Religions and
Civilizations Today

Mohammad Amir Ahmadzadeh (Institute for Humanities and Cultural
Studies, Tehran). An Interaction between culture and value

Terentyev Andrey (Saint Petersburg). Hermeneutic Problem, which
cleaves the Tibetan Philosophy

Abdolrahim Gavahi (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies,
Tehran). New Necessities of the Philosophy of Religion in the
Contemporary World

Avtadilyan Eygeniy (MSU, Moscow). Language and Sacral Text. Problems
of Interpretation

Coffee break

16:15 -18:15
Plenary meeting 3 (Aud. 611)
Moderator: Prof. Hu Yeping

Rashkovsky Eugeniy (All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature,
Moscow). Revolution and religions: experience of comparative

Belov Vladimir (PFUR, Moscow). Religion as religiosity: Philosophy of
Religion of Vosylius Sezemanas

Shiyan Anna (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow).
About Possibility of Phenomenology of Religion.

Kryshtop Ludmila (PFUR, Moscow). Ethical doctrine of Im.Kant:
Rigorism or Theological Moralism?

Kosorukova Alexandra (PFUR, Moscow). Reception of Nietzsche’s idea of
God in the Russian Philosophy (XIX-XX)


December 20, 2017

Plenary meeting 4: Islam in the modern world (Aud. 415)
Мoderator: Prof. Marietta Stepanyants

Kirabaev Nur (RUDN, Moscow). Islam: overcoming of stereotypes

Nasyrov Ilshat (Institute of Philosophy RAS). The importance of inter-
religious Dialogue: in the Context of Islamic Culture

Korneeva Tatyana (Institute of Philosophy RAS). Becoming of
Philosophical Terminology in the Persian Language

Chistyakova Olga (PFUR, Moscow). Dialogue of Religions in Postsecular
Age: Anthropological meaning of Islam and Christianity

Coffee break


Plenary meeting 5: Indian Philosophy in the History of World
Philosophy Context: the Meanings' Translation Problem (Aud. 611)
Мoderator: Prof. Ruzana Pskhu

Paribok Andrey (University of Saint Petersburg). God and karma as two
rescues out of the tragic worldview impasse

Shiyan Taras (RANEPA,Moscow). On the alleged incompatibility of logic
and mysticism (against one hypothesis about the features of Indian

Kanaeva Natalya (Higher School of Economics) «Tattvopaplavasimha» of
Jayarashi Bhatta as a sample of Brahmanic Sceptisism

Desnitskaya Eugenia (University of Saint Petersburg) In search for the
origins of Bhartṛhari’s perspectivism

Skorokhodova Tatyana (University of Penza, Penza). Axial Age Heritage
in Religious Philosophy and Culture of the Bengal Renaissance

Coffee break

Plenary meeting 6: Viśiṣṭādvaita and contemporary investigations of
Indian philosophy (Aud. 611)
Мoderator: Prof. Lev Titlin

Schmücker Marcus (The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual
History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna). On the
Discussion of Time (kāla) in later Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedānta

Pskhu Ruzana (PFUR, Moscow). Ontological Status of Lakṣmī in

Demchenko Maxim (MSLU, Moscow). Elements of Viśiṣṭādvaita-Siddhānta in
Tulsīdās’ Writings and Their Repercussions in Later Rāmānandī Texts

Safina Natalya (PFUR, Moscow) Modus vivendi of a vaishnava in
Pancaratra tradition


December 21, 2017

Plenary meeting 7: Religion and Logic (Aud. 415)
Мoderator: Prof. Vasily Petrov

Petrov Vasily (PFUR, Moscow). Decalogue and deontic logic

Salnikova Tatyana (PFUR, Moscow). The Meta-Logic of Nikola Vasiliev
as the divine logic of inerrancy

Gorbatov V.V., Gorbatova Y.V. (Higher School of Economics). Logic,
meta- logic and the modal ontological argument

Lochov Sergey (PFUR, Moscow). Theology and the problem of the
addictive behavior

Nevdobenko O.I. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University). The
Principle of Falsification of Virtues in the Patristic Tradition

Coffee break


Plenary meeting 8: Theological Problematics in the History of
Philosophy Context (Aud. 415)
Мoderator: Prof. Sergey Lochov

Matyushova Maria (PFUR, Moscow). Religious Worldview of Knut Hamsun

Loginov A.V. (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow)
Development of Human Rights Conception: Religious and Philosophical

Martseva Anna (PFUR, Moscow). Religious and philosophical
interpretation of human being in Dostoevsky’s works

Morozov I.G. (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow) The
concept of ‘simple theology’ in Clive Staples Lewis works

Zhan Zhun Mei (PFUR, Moscow). The aesthetics as a substitute for
religion in China.

Mamchenkov Dmitriy (PFUR, Moscow). Human Freedom in the Context of
Science and Religion

Coffee break

Methodological Seminar in Institute of Philosophy RAS
Lecture of Prof. Andrey Smirnov
Мoderator: Prof. Ruzana Pskhu


Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
RUDN University
10a, Miklukho-Maklaya str.
Auditorium 415 and 611

Professor Ruzana Pskhu
Email: r.ps...@mail.ru

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