
Call for Publications

Theme: Addressing Extremisms and Terror
Subtitle: Critical Humanities in an Age of Confusion
Publication: Ikhtilaf: Journal of Critical Humanities and Social
Date: Issue 2 (Fall 2018)
Deadline: 31.1.2018


Ikhtilaf, Journal of Critical Humanities and Social Studies invites
scholarly articles, book reviews, and review essays for its second
issue on “Addressing extremisms and terror: critical humanities in an
age of confusion”

The 21st started off badly, contaminated as it were by the fin de
siècle uncertainties and confusions of the 1990’s (the fall of the
socialist/communist bloc, the first Gulf war and the great divide it
opened between the West and the Islamic world, the massacres in
Rwanda, the quasi-failures of decolonization, the triumph of global
capitalism and the widening gap between North and South …). “Western
democracy” a long-time inspiration to the forces of change in
developing countries is showing signs of its inherent and hitherto
well-hidden incapacity to accommodate ethnic and cultural
differences. While the postcolonial and independent states registered
massive failures in development, human or otherwise, producing
nothing more than sophisticated systems of corruption. In the midst
of this confusion, the world has become troubled and insecure. Deeply
frustrated people are resorting to political extremism to express
their rejection of “the new world order.” Whether in the West or the
Rest, scores of people are falling for populist propaganda and other
discourses oversimplifying the world’s complexity and promising easy
solutions all focusing on blaming others (migrants, foreigners,
infidels … etc.) Millions of people from the Global South are forced
to flee war, and environmentally stricken zones, while rich countries
of the North are barricading themselves by constructing real and
symbolic walls. Even inside the rich countries barricades are set up
between the privileged minority and the lower classes suffering from
poverty, unemployment and general lack of opportunity. On either side
of these “walls” thrive a rhetoric of hate, fear and demonization of
the other. Intellectuals, once the bearers of humanity’s conscience
are replaced by “experts,” and critical thinking (emancipatory and
transformative) is replaced with technical expertise. In this context
of uncertainty, and with the dominant technicality and
compartmentalization of knowledge production, the dominating
discourses of science, politics and religion seem incapable of
enlightening people on how to deal with the extremely complex
realities of the world.

The second issue of Ikhtilaf intends, therefore, to contribute to the
ethical and critical turn in the humanities and social sciences
championed by decolonial, postcolonial, post-development studies.
More specifically, it wishes to stress the role of “Critical
humanities” — multidisciplinary critical practices that seeks to
renew critique — in providing alternative analyses to the current
crisis of xenophobia, Islamophobia and the general resurgence of
political-religious extremism and terror across the world.

To this end, the journal invites innovative and original articles
that address issues related to alternative, resistant and
counter-hegemonic narratives to the actual discourses of division,
suspicion and rejection of difference and the essentialisms that
underpin them. Authors are encouraged to propose studies in
literature, cinema, theatre, the arts, grassroots and social
movements that offer constructive visions and experiments of the
world’s plurality and heterogeneity.

Feature articles should range between 5000 and 6000 words in English
or Arabic, 1500 to 2000 words for book reviews. The deadline for
article submissions is January 31st, 2018, review outcomes will be
sent out by the end of April 2018, and the deadline for final article
submissions with reviewers’ remarks integrated is June 30th, 2018.

Submission guidelines:

Ikhtilaf Journal accepts scholarly articles, book reviews, and review

All submissions are blind-reviewed; therefore, authors’ names should
appear only on the cover page.

All submissions should Include an abstract and a brief biographical
statement which indicates current academic title and/or
affiliation(s), recent and forthcoming publications (title, press,
and publication date), and any other relevant information.

Contributions should be sent by email as a Microsoft Word (.docx)
attached file. The journal uses the stylistic guidelines set forth in
The Chicago Manual of Style. However, page references in the text of
an essay are formatted in MLA style (parenthetical form). Use
endnotes rather than footnotes for all substantive comment and
bibliographic information. For emphasis Italics are preferred over
bold face.

Each research manuscript should include the following:
1- A cover page that contains: a) Author’s manes and the title of the
   manuscript, b) An abstract that does not exceed 200 words, c) 4 to
   6 keywords
2- The body of the paper
3- Bibliographical references
4- (Optional) Appendices, charts, and tables, if any.

All other contributions (book reviews, interviews etc…) should
include the following:
1- The title of the piece
2- The body of the piece
3- Bibliographical references, if any.

While we are flexible with length, we prefer manuscripts to range
between 4000 and 6000 words, including the title, abstract, keywords,
footnotes, references, appendices, and any additional reference.

All other pieces could fall anywhere between 1000 and 4000 words,
including the title, footnotes, bibliography, and any additional

While Ikhtilaf Journal supports the free and indiscriminate access to
information, it does not tolerate plagiarism under any form. Acts of
plagiarism will instantaneously disqualify the manuscript from
consideration and revoke its author’s right to submit again.

Please send contributions to: lto...@gmail.com

Ikhtilaf, Journal of Critical Humanities and Social Studies is a
refereed Open Access interdisciplinary publication of the Identity
and Difference Research Group affiliated with Université Mohammed
Ier, Oujda Morocco. Ikhtilaf is an Arabic word that means both
“difference” and “differend” (french for conflict, aporia etc…) The
Journal’s mission is to stress difference in thought at a time that
forced (globalized) sameness is threatening to stifle creativity,
innovation and intellectual freedom. Grounded in the core disciplines
of the humanities, Ikhtilaf encourages interdisciplinarity and seeks
to bring together humanities and social studies to stress the
centrality of critical discourse in our collective response to the
crucial interrogations of the twenty-first century. Focusing on North
Africa, the Middle East and their relations to African, Asian and
European histories, realities and trajectories, Ikhtilaf aims to
apply the distinctive research methodologies and approaches developed
within the disciplines of the humanities to the study of a wide range
of local and regional issues that are of global and transnational

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