
Call for Publications

Theme: Race and Aesthetics
Publication: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (JAAC)
Date: Special Issue (November 2019)
Deadline: 1.1.2019


This issue addresses questions and issues in aesthetics through a
broad lens that embraces a variety of racialized voices and a wide
range of approaches and methodologies. Submissions on any
philosophical treatment of race and aesthetics are welcome, but
papers addressing the aesthetic and artistic traditions and
perspectives of the following communities and traditions are
especially encouraged:

- Latino/a-Latinx
- East, South, Southeast and Central Asian
- Pacific Islander
- Indigenous peoples

Examples of questions that might be addressed include:

- What role does aesthetics play in articulating racial ideologies
  and projects?
- What relationship do art and aesthetic theory have with social and
  political engagement?
- How does aesthetic presentation articulate racial identity? 
- How do innovations in technology affect traditional artistic
  representations of race? 
- How can intersectional identities inform artistic and aesthetic

Submissions should not exceed 7,500 words and must comply with the
general guidelines for submissions. (See “Submissions” on the JAAC
page on the American Society for Aesthetics website:

Upload submissions to the JAAC online submission website,
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jaac, making sure they are
identified as submissions for the special issue: at the prompt for
manuscript type, select “special issue” rather than “original

Deadline for Submissions: January 1, 2019

Guest Editors: A.W. Eaton and C.F. Peterson

If you have questions, please contact:
A.W. Eaton: ea...@uic.edu 
C. F. Peterson: cpete...@oberlin.edu


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