
Call for Papers

Theme: Nationalism and the Market
Type: International Conference
Institution: Research Centre for International Cooperation (CEMAS),
University La Sapienza
   Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF)
   Interdiscplinary Laboratory, Ecole polytechnique Paris (LinX)
Location: Rome (Italy)
Date: 21.–22.6.2018
Deadline: 15.3.2018


The Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF) in
collaboration with the Research Centre for International Cooperation
(CEMAS) at the University La Sapienza in Rome and the
Interdiscplinary Laboratory of Ecole polytechnique Paris (LinX) are
organizing an international conference entitled ‘Nationalism and the
Market’ from 21st to 22nd June 2018. This conference will be held at
La Sapienza in Rome, Italy. The working language will be English.

For several decades, sociologists, philosophers, political
scientists, as well as politicians, lobbyists and corporate CEOs,
have blazed abroad that the 'free market' can provide a response or
solution to all human crises and conflicts. Accordingly, we should be
collectively ushered into a global era of peace. Like erstwhile
Marxist and socialist myths, neoliberal globalisation should have
been heralded a new era, forever free of nationalist tensions.

Multiple signs have contributed to dispel this hope, despite large
sectors of the economic elites still tending to cling to notions of
free market fundamentalism. The advent of Donald Trump as US
president, the rise of xenophobia in the West and elsewhere, British
and Catalan secessionism, mounting aggressive nationalism in China,
Russia, Turkey, India, and an endless list of other crisis points,
all indicate that the 'free  market' is not only utterly unable to
provide any response to the emerging multiple problems it has
created, including ethno-political crises, but it has sometimes
contributed to aggravate all of them. Moreover, the market seems to
be unable to address climate change, which itself points towards the
'end of the road' or the demise of consumerist capitalism as we know
it, with consequences on national borders. 

However, the linkage between nationalism and the marketplace has
remained largely under-studied and under-theorized.  Indeed, the
'market' includes nationalism as nationalism is one of the many items
available on the marketplace, so that the most talented sellers are
bent to win a greater share of the market. Moreover, of the many
ideological products available on the marketplace, nationalism is
probably the best-selling one. This can lead researchers along two
main paths and explore two sets of interrelated questions: First, how
has free market inspired, sometimes rebranded nationalism and
national identities? Second, how has nationalism taken advantage of
the market?

The conference aims at unpacking and analysing the relationship
between the nation and the 'market'. The focus is both historical and
contemporary, without geographical limitations. 

This call for papers is addressed to academics from junior to senior
levels, working in the contiguous areas of globalisation and
nationalism studies, history, political science and public policy
analysis, international relations, sociology and political economy. 

It will allow for around 40 papers to be presented in the course of
the conference. Keynotes plenary sessions will also be organised.

The conference welcomes paper proposals in the following broad
themes, although new panel proposals can also be considered:

(1) Theoretical perspectives on nationalism and the market
(2) Historical Perspectives on nationalism and the market
(3) Public economic policies of identity branding
(4) Corporate policies of identity branding
(5) Case studies

Paper proposals should be submitted by 15 March 2018 in the form of a
250 words abstract and a short biographic note (including author’s
name, institutional affiliation and title, when appropriate).

For applications, as well as any queries or additional information,
please email to the assistant chair, Romina Rapisarda:

In the abstract, please be sure to highlight how your paper relates
to the conference’s theme and its central question(s). 

Conference organisers:
Prof. Andrea Carteny (CEMAS Sapienza University of Rome)
Prof. Daniel Conversi, Ikerbasque Foundation for Science/ University
of the Basque Country)
Prof. Gil Delannoi (Sciences Po-CEVIPOF)
Dr. Vincent Martigny (Ecole Polytechnique Paris/Sciences Po-CEVIPOF)


Romina Rapisarda, Assistant Chair
Nationalism and the Market Conference
Email: romina.rapisa...@uniroma1.it


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