
Call for Papers

Theme: Violence
Subtitle: An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Project
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Progressive Connexions
Location: Verona (Italy)
Date: 15.–16.7.2019
Deadline: 22.2.2019


From ancient gladiators battling to the death in front of cheering
crowds to the modern-day journalistic maxim that ‘if it bleeds, it
leads’, violence has occupied a prominent place in the human
imagination. It is common to see animals in the wild fighting to
establish dominance and eliminate potential predators. But when
humans engage in similar behaviour, it raises a host of questions
about the nature and implications of violence. Why has our capacity
for reason, compassion and empathy been insufficient to circumvent
our primal urge to use physical force to cause injury, death or other
forms of harm? Why has violence exerted an irresistible hold on the
human psyche throughout history? How have cultural practices and
language shaped our understanding of violence in terms of either
enabling or discouraging violent behaviour? What, if any,
circumstances make violence acceptable? What factors cause people to
be violent? What can be done by individuals and communities to
prevent violence?

This inclusive interdisciplinary meeting starts from the premise that
violence is a complex, multi-faceted concept. It can affect anyone
personally or professionally, either directly or indirectly. There is
scarcely an occupation or practice that has not in some way
contributed to the way violence is understood, experienced or
addressed in society. Accordingly, the event seeks to provide a space
for inclusive inter-disciplinary dialogues that facilitate a better
understanding of violence and strategies for dealing with it in our
communities with a view to forming a publication to engender further
collaboration and discussion.

Consistent with its interdisciplinary ethos, the event proposes to
step outside the traditional conference setting and offer
opportunities for artists, photographers, practitioners, theorists,
independent scholars, academics, performers, writers, and others to
intermingle, providing platforms for interdisciplinary interactions
that are fruitful and conducive to broadening horizons and sparking
future projects, collaborations, and connections.

The organisers welcome proposals for presentations, displays,
exhibits, round tables, panels, interactive workshops and other
activities to stimulate engagement and discussion on any aspect of
violence; potential topics for exploration include:

- Philosophical perspectives
- Violence and the law
- Violence in religious/sacred traditions
- Psychological and medical perspectives on causes and effects of
- Strategies for stopping/reducing violent behaviour in individuals
  or groups
- Case studies of perpetrators and victims
- Treatment of violence in education curriculum development practices
- Economics of violence (munitions business, arms deals, etc.)
- Promotion of violence through language and cultural cues
- Media coverage of violence
- Representations of violence in film, television, video, games, art,
  literature, mythology, poetry, theatre, music and other creative
- Weapons and technologies that enable/prevent violence
- Activism, grassroots, NGOs
- Types of violence
- Hate crimes
- Mass shootings/bombings
- Domestic abuse
- Child abuse
- Institutional violence
- State-sanctioned violence (war, genocide, torture, capital
  punishment, etc.)
- Violence in the workplace
- Violence in medical/scientific testing
- Violence toward non-humans (animals, the environment)

What to Send

The aim of this interdisciplinary conference and collaborative
networking event is to bring people together and encourage creative
conversations in the context of a variety of formats: papers,
seminars, workshops, storytelling, performances, poster
presentations, panels, q&a’s, roundtables etc.

300 word proposals, presentations, abstracts and other forms of
contribution and participation should be submitted by Friday 22nd
February 2019. Other forms of participation should be discussed in
advance with the Organising Chair.

All submissions will be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous
(blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the
Project Development Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our
procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it
will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 8th March 2019.

If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of
your contribution should be submitted by Friday 31st May 2019.

Abstracts and proposals may be in Word, PDF, RTF or Notepad formats
with the following information and in this order: a) author(s), b)
affiliation as you would like it to appear in the programme, c) email
address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10

E-mails should be entitled: Violence Submission.

Early Bird Submission and Discount

Submissions received on or before Friday 18th January 2019 will be
eligible for a 10% registration fee discount.

Where to Send

Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chair
and the Project Administrator:

Teresa Cutler-Broyles: ter...@progressiveconnexions.net
Project Administrator: veronaviole...@progressiveconnexions.net

What’s so Special About Progressive Connexions Events?

A fresh, friendly, dynamic format – at Progressive Connexions we are
dedicated to breaking away from the stuffy, old-fashion conference
formats, where endless presentations are read aloud off PowerPoints.
We work to bring you an interactive format, where exchange of
experience and information is alternated with captivating workshops,
engaging debates and round tables, time set aside for getting to know
each other and for discussing common future projects and initiatives,
all in a warm, relaxed, egalitarian atmosphere.

A chance to network with international professionals – the beauty of
our interdisciplinary events is that they bring together
professionals from all over the world and from various fields of
activity, all joined together by a shared passion. Not only will the
exchange of experience, knowledge and stories be extremely valuable
in itself, but we seek to create lasting, ever-growing communities
around our projects, which will become a valuable resource for those
belonging to them.

A chance to be part of constructing change – There is only one thing
we love as much as promoting knowledge: promoting real, lasting
social change by encouraging our participants to take collective
action, under whichever form is most suited to their needs and
expertise (policy proposals, measuring instruments, research
projects, educational materials, etc.) We will support all such
actions in the aftermath of the event as well, providing a platform
for further discussions, advice from the experts on our Project
Advisory Team and various other tools and intellectual resources, as

An opportunity to discuss things that matter to you – Our events are
not only about discussing how things work in the respective field,
but also about how people work in that field – what are the
struggles, problems and solutions professionals have found in their
line of work, what are the areas where better communication among
specialists is needed and how the interdisciplinary approach can help
bridge those gaps and help provide answers to questions from specific
areas of activity.

An unforgettable experience – When participating in a Progressive
Connexions event, there is a good chance you will make some long-time
friends. Our group sizes are intimate, our venues are comfortable and
relaxing and our event locations are suited to the history and
culture of the event.


Progressive Connexions believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and
professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should
attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to
make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract or proposal
for presentation.

Please note: Progressive Connexions is a not-for-profit network and
we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel
or subsistence, nor can we offer discounts off published rates and

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