
Call for Papers

Theme: In Search of Asylum
Subtitle: An Interdisciplinary Discussion
Type: 2019 Annual Weissbourd Conference
Institution: Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, University of
Location: Chicago, MI (USA)
Date: 4.–5.4.2019
Deadline: 1.2.2019


“Asylum” has returned to the forefront of global political
consciousness. In conjunction with highly charged terms like amnesty
and assimilation, and such spectral figures as the “illegal alien”
and the “migrant caravan,” asylum condenses a variety of anxieties
about the changing parameters of power within a globalizing world and
aspirations for a livable life. Under these circumstances asylum has
taken on a new urgency, as either the moral imperative of our times
or an unforgivable betrayal of the nation and its ideal.

But asylum has a longer history that belies the sense of crisis
attached to the term at present. Deriving from the ancient Greek
institution of ásylo, a sacred place for the persecuted and criminals
to seek protection, asylum constituted a space of juridical exception
and divinely-mandated mercy. In this and numerous other such
figurations across the world both before and since, the impulse to
protect strangers has manifested itself repeatedly. 

The 2019 Weissbourd Conference, hosted by the University of Chicago
Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, will focus on situating the
often rancorous contemporary debate over asylum in relation to
historical expressions, theories, and practices of asylum. Our
keynote speaker will be James Hathaway, the James E. and Sarah A.
Degan Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, a leading
authority on international refugee law and the founding director of
the Program in Refugee and Asylum Law.

We invite proposals from across the humanities and social sciences to
discuss the transformation of the concept of asylum and its
implications for understanding the present.

Panels may consist of 2 or 3 presenters, with 15-20 minutes per
presentation, to be followed by Q&A.

To submit a proposal for a panel, please send a 500-word description
of the panel, its purpose, and CV and abstracts for 2-3 presenters to:

To submit an individual paper proposal, please send a 300-word
abstract and CV to: weissbourd2...@gmail.com


Alexandra Locking
Social Sciences Division
Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts
University of Chicago
Email: weissbourd2...@gmail.com


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