
Call for Papers

Theme: Cultural Heritage and the Ethics of War
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Loyola University
Location: New Orleans, LA (USA)
Date: 18.–19.3.2020
Deadline: 1.9.2019


This interdisciplinary conference will bring together researchers and
practitioners from a wide range of fields, such as philosophy,
international law, heritage studies, archaeology, and the military,
to explore issues connected to the protection of heritage in war and
conflict. Both normative and empirical papers are welcome.

Suitable topics include (but are not limited to):

- The value of heritage
- Conceptions of value
- Commensurability
- Defence of heritage as a just cause for war
- The connection between heritage and genocide
- Ownership or stewardship of heritage
- The destruction of heritage as a war crime, or crime against
- The use of resources for the protection of heritage
- The damaging of heritage in war
- The notion of universal heritage
- The reconstruction and preservation of heritage
- The liability to harm of those who unjustifiably threaten heritage
- The role of heritage in human identity and flourishing
- The notion of cultural genocide

Extended abstracts of no more than 1500 words, to form the basis of a
thirty-minute presentation, should be submitted to
william.bu...@philosophy.su.se no later than the 1st of September

Invited Speakers:
- Laurie Rush (Cultural Resources Manager and Army Archaeologist, Fort
- Rob Hopkins (Philosophy, New York University,)
- Nancy Sherman (Philosophy, Georgetown University)

We anticipate a conference registration fee of around $80, which will
cover attendance, lunch on both days, and refreshments throughout the
conference. There will be an optional conference dinner on the 18th.
Delegates will be responsible for arranging their own accommodation
and travel.

Enquires should be sent to:

The conference is part of an AHRC-funded project on Heritage in War;
more information is available on the project website:


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