
Call for Papers

Theme: Borders and Walls
Type: Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Progressive Connexions
Location: Vienna (Austria)
Date: 12.–13.10.2019
Deadline: 12.4.2019


Borders and Walls considers the development of borders, boundaries,
fences and walls over time, the forces that influenced their creation
in the past, the influences affecting border creation and maintenance
today, along with the anticipation of their evolution and development
in the future.

The original ‘borders’ were primarily natural, usually marked by
mountains, deserts, rivers and oceans. The creation of human
settlements and communities led to the division of the land they
occupied.  While natural border features were usually a useful
starting point, it increasingly became necessary to create artificial
and relatively arbitrary lines on maps to signify borders between one
community and another. Over the past 500 years, they began creating
borders between one nation and another.

Today we see the bolstering of borders between nations and within
nations, leading to increased restrictions and barriers in the
movement of people, animals, business, commerce across border points.
This inclusive interdisciplinary conference will consider, amongst
other things, national and domestic borders based on identity,
language, privilege, money, law/legality, insider-outsider, racism.
It will also explore the difference between the concepts of ‘borders’
and ‘walls’ and why it appears to have become important with a view
to forming a selective publication to engender further collaboration,
research and discussion.

Key topics, themes and issues for discussion may include, but are
definitely not limited to:

- The relevance of borders, boundaries and walls in today’s world.
Borders, boundaries, barricades, walls, fences and sovereignty: the
different approaches taken by different nations and communities and
the factors affecting the approach taken. Lessons (if any) to be
learned from these.  A comparison and the current status of border
and border wall-building activity – what’s being done and by who?
What forms are borders and border walls taking?  What are the
property rights issues associated with border walls?

- Some reports suggest that up to 77 border walls, and partial border
walls, have been erected since World War Two. These include walls or
fences between India and Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, Georgia and
South Ossetia, North and South Korea, Bulgaria and Turkey, Spain and
Morocco, Botswana and Zimbabwe, Malaysia and Thailand, Morocco and
West Sahara, to name a few.  Have these achieved their purpose? If so
how, and if not why not?

- No borders, no nation? If so why?  If not, why not? A consideration
of Brexit and similar debates – is it ultimately about national
identity or something else?

- The growth in sovereignty and protection arguments at the expense
of the diminution of human rights and refugee protection – is it out
of balance? If so how can balance be restored?

- The movement of wildlife across borders, boundaries and walls: how
does this impact on human existence and related environmental and
ecological issues? For example, what are their impact, if any, on
global pandemics (SARS, bird flu, foot and mouth disease, Ebola).
What are the implications, if any, of bolstered borders and walls on
future global food security?

- Trade and economic prosperity and the effect of national borders
and border walls on these – do borders or walls matter? What is the
financial “balance sheet” in the borders and walls debate? Do the
financial costs of illegal immigration and illicit trade in the
absence of impermeable borders and walls (for example in government
benefits paid, border control costs, the operation of a nation’s
immigration regime, litigation, education, etc.) outweigh the cost of
building walls or otherwise bolstering border control?  What are the
micro- and macro-economic aspects of bolstered borders and walls?
Does the policing of borders, and the construction of border walls,
notwithstanding the creation of temporary employment in wall
construction or in border forces, have a net negative or positive
effect on the national budget? Does it matter?

- Workforces without Borders – what is the relevance of national and
domestic borders to the local, national and global labour market?
Have we abandoned the idea of confined workforces especially in an
age of global workforce mobility, the mobility of productive capital,
and borderless globally networked information systems?  Do illegal or
unregistered immigrants take jobs from the citizens or a bordered or
walled nation?  What are the facts on illegal immigrants working for
less money, and the impacts on the average wage rate for citizens of
the particular country?  Would a regime of substantially greater
fines and penalties for employers of illegal migrant workers, and for
people smugglers, or some other regime, eliminate the need for
bolstered borders or walls?

- What would a world without borders be like? Are we ever likely to
see one?  If so why? If not why not?  What would be the benefits and
costs of such a borderless and wall-less world?

- If one of the aims of strengthening borders and building walls is
to control illegal immigration, will stronger borders and walls in
fact enable greater immigration control or does it need something
else, and if so what?

- Does the failure or imperfection of immigration regimes and laws,
and the breach or non-compliance with such laws, lead to the breach
or non-compliance with other laws?  Will stronger borders or walls
mean that intending immigrants will use legitimate means to enter a
country and if not then what other means will they use?  Would
stronger borders and walls give rise to less illegal immigrants in
the community who live in hiding?

- One of the many arguments used to support stronger borders and / or
border walls, is that it will prevent human and sex trafficking, and
the movement of illicit narcotics. What is the evidence in this

- Do borders and walls actually work? The President of the USA, and
his followers, want to build one, if they do, will it achieve its
purpose?  What is its real purpose anyway? Is the purpose behind the
USA wanting a wall between the USA and Mexico different to the
purpose why another country might want such a wall?  Is there
anything unique or special about the USA-Mexico border which
distinguishes it from other national borders?

- Have border walls been effective in the course of history? Israel
claims its border barrier on its Egyptian border has been effective.
If so what are the features that makes it, or other border walls,

- Some argue that borders and border walls appear to have limited
success in keeping out determined terrorists and other significantly
‘undesirable’ folk. Is this the case? What are the alternatives? What
form, if any, should gate-keeping at the borders take?  Does
gate-keeping and border control foster a false sense of security?

- If borders and walls are ultimately permeable to those who are
motivated to get around, over, or under them, then why bother?

- Is the problem, whatever that is, physically limited to national
borders? Or is the problem found more at airports and other entry
points? What are the alternatives to wall-building to achieve the
desired purpose? Should we try moat-digging instead? Can our advanced
and “smart” technologies achieve the same end  without the
construction of a physical barrier?  If so how?

Contributions to the Borders and Walls conference is not limited to
academics or to policy gurus or to theoreticians.  While
contributions from such individuals is welcomed and valued very much,
so are contributions from professionals, practitioners,
non-government organisations, the voluntary sector, or anyone else
who has an interest or concern or view to express on these matters.

We encourage proposals that will engage the minds, if not the hearts,
of attendees at these conferences.  The conference is not one where
presenters will simply read their written work; as most of us can
read we don’t need to travel great distances to listen to someone
reading.  Rather, we encourage proposals that will give rise to
discussion and questions and that will give rise to the birth of new
and exciting ideas that might help people understand the topic
better.  And maybe, in some small or big way, such discussion and
engagement might lead to some change in our world for the better.

What to Send

The aim of this inclusive interdisciplinary conference and
collaborative networking event is to bring people together and
encourage creative conversations in the context of a variety of
formats: papers, seminars, workshops, storytelling, performances,
poster presentations, panels, q&a’s, round-tables etc. Please feel
free to put forward proposals that you think will get the message
across, in whatever form.

300 word proposals for participation should be submitted by Friday
12th April 2019. Other forms of participation should be discussed in
advance with the Organising Chair.

All submissions will be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous
(blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the
Project Development Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our
procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it
will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 26th April

If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of
your contribution should be submitted by Friday 23rd August 2019.

Abstracts and proposals may be in Word, PDF, RTF or Notepad formats
with the following information and in this order: a) author(s), b)
affiliation as you would like it to appear in the programme, c) email
address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10

E-mails should be entitled: Borders Submission.

Where to Send

Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chair
and the Project Administrator:

Tony Caravella: t...@chisholmlaw.com.au
Project Administrator: viennabord...@progressiveconnexions.net

What's so Special About Progressive Connexions Events?

A fresh, friendly, dynamic format – at Progressive Connexions we are
dedicated to breaking away from the stuffy, old-fashion conference
formats, where endless presentations are read aloud off PowerPoints.
We work to bring you an interactive format, where exchange of
experience and information is alternated with captivating workshops,
engaging debates and round tables, time set aside for getting to know
each other and for discussing common future projects and initiatives,
all in a warm, relaxed, egalitarian atmosphere.

A chance to network with international professionals – the beauty of
our interdisciplinary events is that they bring together
professionals from all over the world and from various fields of
activity, all joined together by a shared passion. Not only will the
exchange of experience, knowledge and stories be extremely valuable
in itself, but we seek to create lasting, ever-growing communities
around our projects, which will become a valuable resource for those
belonging to them.

A chance to be part of constructing change – There is only one thing
we love as much as promoting knowledge: promoting real, lasting
social change by encouraging our participants to take collective
action, under whichever form is most suited to their needs and
expertise (policy proposals, measuring instruments, research
projects, educational materials, etc.) We will support all such
actions in the aftermath of the event as well, providing a platform
for further discussions, advice from the experts on our Project
Advisory Team and various other tools and intellectual resources, as

An opportunity to discuss things that matter to you – Our events are
not only about discussing how things work in the respective field,
but also about how people work in that field – what are the
struggles, problems and solutions professionals have found in their
line of work, what are the areas where better communication among
specialists is needed and how the interdisciplinary approach can help
bridge those gaps and help provide answers to questions from specific
areas of activity.

An unforgettable experience – When participating in a Progressive
Connexions event, there is a good chance you will make some long-time
friends. Our group sizes are intimate, our venues are comfortable and
relaxing and our event locations are suited to the history and
culture of the event.


Progressive Connexions believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and
professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should
attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to
make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract or proposal
for presentation.

Please note: Progressive Connexions is a not-for-profit network and
we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel
or subsistence, nor can we offer discounts off published rates and


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