
Call for Publications

Theme: Culture, War and Sovereignty
Publication: Culture and Dialogue
Date: Vol. 7 No.2 (2019)
Deadline: Open


The next 2019 issue (Volume 7, Number 2) of Culture and Dialogue will
focus on the theme of Culture, War and Sovereignty. The theme
encompasses many specifically philosophical issues, and some ideas
involving dialogical relationships, including:

- Comparative philosophy of conflict resolution and reconciliation,
  which may analyse one or more particular non-Western perspectives
  and how they can engage the relevant fields of Western philosophy
- Philosophical reflection on the range of approaches to war and
  sovereignty (analytic, interpretive, Western, Eastern etc.)
- Inquiry into the cultural dimension of conflicts
- The role and significance of dialogue in conflict resolution and
- The nature of and justification for sovereignty claims across
- The essence of war and the question of sovereignty from
  interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives.

We welcome essays that address any of these issues from different
cultural perspectives or philosophical traditions.

Submissions to:

Notes for Authors:

Open until selection standards are met

Culture and Dialogue is an international peer reviewed print and
electronic journal of cross-cultural philosophy and humanities. The
Journal provides a forum for researchers from philosophy as well as
other disciplines who study cultural formations dialogically, through
comparative analysis, or within the tradition of hermeneutics. For
each issue, Culture and Dialogue seeks to bring manuscripts together
with a common denominator.

ISSN 2222-3282

Editor in Chief:
Gerald Cipriani National University of Ireland, Galway

Associate Editor:
Martin Ovens University of Oxford (UK)

Assistant Editor:
Loni Reynolds University of Roehampton (UK)

Manuscript Editor:
Erika Mandarino Tulane University (USA)

Book Review Editor:
Robert Clarke Lancaster University (UK)


Culture and Dialogue
Email: emand...@tulane.edu
Web: http://www.culture-dialogue.net


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