
Conference Announcement

Theme: What is Western about the West?
Subtitle: Ideological Chronologies and Cartographies
Type: International Conference
Institution: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Erfurt
Location: Erfurt (Germany)
Date: 24.–26.10.2019


The conference “What is Western about the West?” focuses on
spatio-temporal practices regarding the production and representation
of westernness. Taking critical perspectives, which view the West
from the inside and the outside, the nine panels plus keynote address
issues of highest political and social relevance. The word “West” is
omnipresent and often unquestioned, which implies quite effective and
uncritical figures of thought. The goal of the conference is to
elaborate a critical reflection on this concept and make these
implicit processes explicit. The contemporary crisis of globalization
can be interpreted as ideological (or intensional) crisis as well as
a cartographic (or extensional) crisis of the concept of the West
itself. The conference brings together researchers from different
continents, various disciplines and points of view, which bring forth
different ideological chronologies and cartographies of the “West”.
They work through the West’s past and present, also retracing lines
of development, which give hints about its future.


Thursday, October 24, 2019 

Welcome & Introduction

Session I: What is Western about the West? Orientalism?

Nil Palabiyik (Munich):
Was there an Eastern Orientalism? How Ottoman Learned Practices
Shaped Oriental Studies in Early Modern Europe

Ottfried Fraisse (Halle/Saale):
Ignác Goldziher’s Perspective from the Margins of Europe:
Historicizing Islam between East and West

Lena Salaymeh (Tel Aviv):
What is Western about the West? Coloniality of Scholarship

Coffee Break

Session II: East Asian Perspectives on the West 

Hong-Bin Lim (Seoul):
Korean Soul at Crossroads: Against Antiliberal Use of
“Orientalism” (in German)

Changwon Sung (Seoul):
Reflections on “Western” Morality


Session III: What does Western Reason mean?

Heiner Klemme (Halle/Saale):
Self-Conceptions of Reason in Kant

Klaus Vieweg (Jena):
Reason and Universalism in Hegel – against the Terror of the
Particular (in German)

Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (Leipzig):
The Universal Notion of a Person in a Globalized Western Culture

Coffee Break

Keynote Mark Bassin (Stockholm):
A Russian Clash of Civilizations? Huntington’s “West” and Lev
Gumilev’s Theory of “Superethnos” Conference


Friday, October 25, 2019

Session IV: What is Western about the Postcolonial?

Sam Haddad (New York):
Bypassing the West with Derrida and Glissant

James Kim (New York):
Homer, Fanon, and the Angry Little Asian Girl: Towards a Comparative
Analysis of Racial Anger

Cristiana Sogno (New York): Response

Coffee Break

Session V: What is Western about the Postsecular?

Mahlika Hopwood (New York):
The Genderings of Eden: Postsecular Communities and the Loneliness of
the West

Holt Meyer (Erfurt):
Orthodox Postsecularism in The Americans

Chris GoGwilt (New York):
Producing a Postsecular West: The Television Set of The Americans


Session VI: Orthodox Christian Cultures and their Neighbors on the
West: Constructions, Overlappings, Alliances

Alfons Brüning (Amsterdam-Nijmegen):
Inter-Religious Dialogue or Strategic Alliance? Encounters between
Russian Orthodoxy and Islam since the End of the Soviet Union

Mark Sedgwick (Aarhus):
Alexander Dugin, Orthodoxy and Islam: The Geopolitics of Eurasia and
the Atlantic West

Vasilios N. Makrides (Erfurt):
Dimitri Kitsikis and his Geopolitical Theory about the “Intermediary
Region” between East and West

Coffee Break

Session VII: The (Medieval) Occident – a Spatio-Temporal Construct
and Its WorldShaping Claims

Christoph Mauntel (Tübingen):
Competing with the East. Geographic Ideas and Cultural
Selfassessments of the West in Medieval Latin-Christian Thought

Thorsten Wollina (Dublin):
Power and Knowledge About History: Syrian and Egyptian Engagements
with the ‘Middle Ages’

Markus Vinzent (London/Erfurt):
What is Foreign Becomes Close and what is Close Becomes Foreign.
Meister Eckhart’s Geography


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Session VIII: Masaryk’s realistic Center in spatial and textual
Models between East and West

Nora Schmidt (Erfurt):
A (Western) Culture of Dialogue and its Transformations into Text.
The figure of T.G.Masaryk

Johannes Gleixner (Munich):
The Empirical Foundation of a Discursive Space. Masaryk as a Mediator
between East and West (in German with English summary)

Vratislav Doubek (Prague):
Czech Political Thought between East and West during World War I (in
German with English summary)

Coffee Break

Session IX: Places and Times of the Utopian and the West

Daniel Boyarin (Berkeley):
Revisioning Diaspora

Nikolaus Wegmann (Princeton):
Re-reading the West

Justus Fetscher (Mannheim):
Unbridging the Gap. The Resilience and Return of Things Southern in
Saša Stanišić’s “Wie der Soldat das Grammophon repariert (How the
Soldier Repairs the Gramophone)”

Final Discussion

Guided City Tour

Augustinerkloster Erfurt, Luther-Saal
Augustinerstraße 10, 99084 Erfurt, Germany

The Augustinerkloster can be reached within ten minutes from
Krämerbrücke & city centre.


Prof. Dr. Holt Meyer
Research Group “What is Western about the West?”
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Erfurt
Nordhäuser Str. 63
99089 Erfurt
Email: w...@uni-erfurt.de
Web: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/en/philosophische-fakultaet/west/


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