
Call for Publications

Theme: An Introduction to Philosophy
Subtitle: A Handbook for African Students
Publication: Edited Textbook
Date: 2020
Deadline: 28.2.2020



A number of students are admitted into the Philosophy programme in
higher institutions by choice or by accident to study philosophy for
three or four years. Many are more often than not perplexed as to
what philosophy is and what it is not. It is akin to being dropped at
the middle of the deep blue sea. Only a few of the many soon find out
that this vast territory of uncharted ideas and possibilities is a
repository of knowledge and wisdom and an interesting field of study.
But many remain perplexed throughout their years of study. More so,
many are unable to understand how philosophy as a discipline can be
contextualised in an African space beyond its universal indices.
Thus, this Handbook is specially designed for student to achieve two
major objectives:

a. Present in each chapter clear, concise, cursory and apt
   information on core area, and sub-discipline of philosophy; and

b. Provide clearly information on the African conceptualisation of
   core areas and other branches of philosophy.

The target for this Handbook are fresh men and women in Philosophy.
The goal is to make available in one volume the most vital
information for these students in the most clear and unambiguous way
to help them sail peacefully through their programme and gain the
very best out of it.

Key Sections and Expected Chapters

The following are the proposed key sections and chapters for the

Introductory Section

1. An Introduction to Western Philosophy
2. An Introduction to African Philosophy
3. An Introduction to Asian Philosophy

Section One: Core Areas

4. Western Metaphysics
5. African Metaphysics
6. Western Epistemology
7. African Epistemology
8. Western Ethics
9. African Ethics

Section Two: History of Philosophy

10. A Short History of Western Philosophy
11. A Short History of African Philosophy

Section Three: Tools of Philosophy

12. Logic
13. Philosophical Methods
14. Philosophical Research and Writing

Section Four: Philosophy of X

15. Philosophy of Culture
16. Social and Political Philosophy
17. Philosophy of Literature
18. Gender Philosophy
19. Professional Ethics
20. Philosophy of Development
21. Contemporary Issues in Ethics
22. Philosophy of History
23. Philosophy of Science
24. Philosophy of Social Sciences
25. Philosophy of Religion
26. Existentialism, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics
27. Marxism
28. Philosophy of Language
29. Philosophy of Law
30. Philosophy of Mind
31. Analytic Philosophy
32. Islamic Philosophy

Compulsory Chapter Structure

For neatness and accuracy and for the contents of the Handbook to be
easily understood by the targeted audience, it is essential that all
chapters have roughly speaking, a specific structure of presentation.
Hence it is mandatory that a chapter is structured the following way
for it to be accepted for publication in the Handbook:

The Meaning and Focus of ...
Key Themes of ...
Key Theories in ...
Key Problems in ...
African ... [except for chapters in Sections One and Two]
Glossary of Key Terms
Study Questions

For example, Chapter 25, ‘Philosophy of Religion

The Meaning and Focus of Philosophy of Religion
Key Themes in Philosophy of Religion
The Conception of God
Arguments for the Existence of God
Science and Religion
Key Theories in Philosophy of Religion
The Sociological Theory of Religion
The Psychological Theory of Religion
Key Problems in the Philosophy of Religion
The Problem of Evil
The Problem of Foreknowledge
The Problem of Immortality of the Soul
African Philosophy of Religion
Glossary of Key Terms
Study Questions

Submission Information and Important Deadlines

We invite well-written submissions for each of these chapters. Each
chapter should not be more than 10,000 words and must be prepared for
blind peer review. All chapters should use the Turabian/Chicago
referencing style. Chapters should be sent in MSWord format only to:

Kindly note the following deadlines:

Submission of chapter proposal (Abstracts):
February 28, 2020

Notification of acceptance of proposed chapter:
March 10, 2020

Submission of complete chapter:
June 10, 2020

Notification of acceptance of complete chapter:
July 10, 2020

Proposed publication date:
August 30, 2020


Christopher E. Ukhun
Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, Ambrose Alli
University, Ekpoma, Nigeria

Jack A. Aigbodioh
Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, Ambrose Alli
University, Ekpoma, Nigeria

Dr Justina O. Ehiakhamen
Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy,
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria

Mathew A. Izibili
Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy,
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria

Elvis Imafidon
Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy, Ambrose Alli University,
Ekpoma, Nigeria

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