
Call for Papers

Theme: Centralizing African Philosophy for African Development
Type: African Philosophy Conference
Institution: Department of Philosophy, University of Ibadan
   Pan African Strategic and Policy Research Group (PANAFSTRAG)
Location: Ibadan (Nigeria)
Date: 8.–11.7.2020
Deadline: 30.4.2020



Once upon a time, African Philosophy struggled under the yoke of
ontological, epistemological, axiological and logical denial.
Eurocentrism and racism combined to consign the ancestral homeland of
human intellectual, scientific, religious, axiological heritage to
the oblivion of primitivity and barbarity; this consignment was a
product of rank greed, ignorance and perversion which affected both
the humanity of Africans as well as of Europeans – after all, a sa
koko, ati koko e, awon mejeeji jo maa gbe ni. Since we passed the
stage of philosophical exclusion, numerous strides have been made,
and tomes have been published celebrating the fecundity and depth of
African Philosophy globally. And numerous symposia, conferences and
colloquia have convoked in various parts of Africa.

These have been good developments. However, the challenge has been
unmasking and transcending the paradigms and topographies ordained by
EuroAmerican restrictive and often puerile trajectories of engaging
reality seen from Nordic perspectives. This particular challenge has
manifested in what Claude Ake ably described in 'Social Science as
Imperialism'; Olufemi Taiwo in 'How Colonialism Preempted Modernity
in Africa'; Franz Fanon in 'Black Skin, White Mask'; Orlando
Patterson in 'Slavery and Social Death'; John Bewaji in 'Narratives
of Struggle'; it is the facticity which has made Africa and its
Diaspora mendicants, dependent on crumbs from the largesse taken from
Africa through brain, brown and resource extraction over 700 years of
interface with Asia Minor and Europe (USA/ China).

African Philosophy, like all aspects of African Academy, requires
creative engagement in all its dimensions. Following the West in its
doomed blustering with reality, encapsulated in Trumpism, Brexit and
Macronism will only exacerbate the decadence and depreciation of
Global African humanity.

Investigating, researching, documenting, teaching and propagating
African Philosophy require totally both traditional and new,
orthodox/unorthodox and creative methodologies. Narratives which
emanate from the core of African experiences must guide this process.
The received knowledge which has made our leadership no more than
messengers to global denudation of African matrimony and patrimony
require challenge by our seasoned and upcoming researchers. Tropes of
globalization, information communications technologies, educational
and religious paradigms which continue to enslave our imaginative
spirits and impoverish our spaces and places in the comity of
humanity require urgent and immediate attention. Business as usual
will not cut it. Africa does not have the luxury of waiting, nor can
Africa continue to totter on the precipice of another colonization,
thereby making her people fools who are thirsty in the abundance of
waters (Bob Marley).

This unique Conference on African Philosophy being hosted by the
Department of Philosophy, in collaboration with PANAFSTRAG, is the
first of many initiatives aimed at giving a foundational bases for
the principles and practices by which our existence are guided,
determined and managed. To this end, we invite students, scholars,
researchers and policy makers from all the disciplines and walks of
African life – Humanities, Social Sciences, Technologies, Medicines,
Agricultures, Business, Finance, Governance, Voluntary NGOs, etc. –
to examine the African intellectual foundations of their
methodologies, theories, pedagogies and practices and bring forward
reflective papers, panels and roundtables as contributions to this

We wish to note that the University of Ibadan is in the process of
institutionalizing in a novel, unprecedented, deliberate and future
oriented way the necessary structures to continue investigating and
disseminating the issues which are core to this Conference. As an
ongoing effort, our partners, collaborators, researchers and scholars
will continue to be engaged within the continent and without. The
Main Theme for this Conference is:

Centralizing African Philosophy for African Development

The Decade of the Peoples of African Descent (2014-2024) ends in four
short years, with very little to show for it. But the challenges of
global Africa has only escalated with the introversion and
nationalistic tendencies of erstwhile hegemons. Critical to the
survival of Africa (continentally and globally) is Philosophy.
Religion, Business, Social Existence, Culture, Technology, Politics,
International Relations and everything, conceivable and otherwise,
derive their foundations from Philosophy writ large. African
Philosophy has shown its resilience against the buffeting that came
from the West, North and East; however, there is need to consolidate
this, teach it to posterity, and ensure that Africans live based on
values that are inherently endogenous and authentically human and


- Bringing together for the first time African philosophers dedicated
to research and teaching of African Philosophy to address historical
and contemporary challenges related to African philosophy;

- Bringing together philosophers throughout the world dedicated to
teaching and research of African Philosophy to address historical and
contemporary challenges related to African philosophy;

- Establishing a solid and sustained global network of researchers,
students and scholars in African philosophy to enhance academic
cooperation and capacity-building;

- Creating a dual Library on African philosophy with a database of
works, lectures, interviews and research of leading African
philosophers for documentation, propagation and consolidation of
African philosophy, and

- Bringing together in annual seminars, workshops, institutes,
lectures and conferences the teaching and propagation of African
Philosophy, as an instrument of understanding reality, the
experiences of Africans and humanity globally, informing policy
making, governance and all aspects of Africana interface with the
world and beyond.


The overriding guiding philosophy driving this Conference and the
visions we have for the future of using African derived values, ideas
and traditions to guide African development is inclusivity. While we
suggest that our presenters and participants frame their
presentations along the following themes, contributions from other
perspectives will be most welcome:

- African philosophy of being, ontology, metaphysics and existence
- African epistemologies
- African axiologies
- African philosophy of sciences
- African philosophy of technologies
- African political philosophies
- African philosophies of economics
- African philosophies of religions
- African philosophies of otherness, difference and identities
- African filial philosophies and orientations
- Logic, Language and Communication in African Philosophy
- African philosophies of law
- African philosophies of justice
- African philosophies of medicines, wellness and fitness
- Nature, animals and resources in African philosophy
- Entertainment, recreation and pleasure in African philosophy
- Fiction, fantasy and phantasmagoria in African philosophy
- Creation, apocalypse and other worlds in African philosophy
- World making in African philosophy
- Coming into being and exiting in African philosophy
- Superstition, myth and mythologies in African philosophy
- Fact, fiction and forecast in African philosophy

African philosophers of various persuasions, humanities scholars and
scientists across the disciplines are welcome to send abstracts to
share experiences, insights, reflections, philosophical perspectives
and trajectories of their research on Africa and global issues.

We welcome papers that reflect upon the foundations, historical
narratives and future of knowledge practice, ethics, education,
social, economic, political internal and international issues of
justice, ecosophy, sports, race and racism, migrations and
emigrations, medicine, bioethics, commercial philosophies from
African philosophical perspectives.


Abstracts and Panel/Round Table Proposals of not more than 250 Words,
indicating Author(s), Panel/Round Table proponent, are to be
submitted to the following members of the Organizing Committee:

Professor John Ayotunde (Tunde) Isola Bewaji

Professor Francis Offor

General Ishola Williams (Rtd)

Logistical Details

The Deadline for Submission of Abstract and Panel/Round Table
Proposals is April 30, 2020.

Notification of Acceptance will be communicated to participants
shortly after.

Additional information about travel and accommodation logistics will
follow shortly.

Esteemed Guest:
Aare Afe Babalola

Keynote Speaker:
Professor Lewis R. Gordon

Conference Fees

Covers Conference Materials and Catering

Participants from Nigeria: N15,000.00
Graduate Students and Retirees: N5,000.00
Participants from African Countries: US$50.00
Participants from Non-African Countries: US$100.00
Undergraduates: Free (Conditions apply).


Peer reviewed articles will be published in reputable international
journals and in monographs by renown Publishing Houses.


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