
Call for Publications

Theme: Culture, Society and Development in Nigeria
Subtitle: Issues, Challenges and Prospects
Publication: Book Project
Deadline: 25.9.2020


Concept of the Book Project

Studies have shown that culture is vital to nation building. An
understanding or the knowledge of one’s culture is really the basis
from which development springs. No development can occur without an
acknowledgement of the society’s cultural values and heritage.
Moreso, no meaningful development can ever take place without having
positive attitude towards one’s cultural heritage. However, in the
colonial era and following the attainment of independence, this vital
aspect of our heritage has been subsumed by westernization,
civilisation and modernisation thereby rendering African culture and
pride as mere cosmetics and window dressing. It is quite disturbing
that with all her rich and diverse culture, histories, traditional
technology, knowledge as well as natural resources, Nigeria is yet to
be among the top ten (10) developed nations of the world. Indeed, in
her quest for development and rapid transformation after independence
some aspects of Nigeria’s cultural heritage and values have been
neglected or relegated to the background.

It is against this backdrop that this book aims at establishing the
relationship between culture and development in Nigeria. The book
will look at utilization of culture as genuine mechanism for
identity, progress and development in Nigeria in particular and
Africa in general. The book seeks to further address the relevance of
history and culture through vigorous intellectual interventions and
interrogation of the existing cultural order. In spite of the
plethora of literature on the different aspects of culture in
Nigeria, a good number of them glossed over cultural dynamisms in
modern Nigeria or fail to address the role of history and traditions
in societal development. Others even misconstrued culture with
fetishism and diabolism. The memory of the griots are receding just
as their ranks are depleting and since the younger generations have
shown little or no interest in preserving the existing tradition and
culture, it has become imperative to document available evidences
before they are buried deep with time and development. Culture
influences the way one views problems or challenges of the society,
the manner of doing things and the solutions to those challenges.
Every societal problem has its own unique solution, which is
enshrined in cultural heritage. For example, in Yorubaland, herbs and
local concoctions are regarded as amazingly effective for the
treatment of any kind of sickness, ailment, calamity, epidemics and
even pandemics. In addition, barrenness, mental disorder, epilepsy
and other serious sicknesses that have defied orthodox medicine are
better treated in traditional ways.

Evidence abounds that most of the developed nations of the world are
those that appreciate, preserve, protect and promote their cultural
heritage. This book attempts to bridge the missing links between
culture and nation-building in Nigeria that early historians have
neglected. It will discuss the factors that contribute to a
fascinating understanding of culture in Nigeria; analyse the nature
of cultural values; examine the role of culture in contemporary
Nigeria; and assess the nature of relationship between cultural
values and modernisation. Contributors are expected to use diligent
collection and analysis of oral and ethnographic data. The sub-themes
will explore various aspects of Nigerian culture over time and their
implications for the development of contemporary Nigeria. The
sub-themes of the book project include but are not limited to the

- Theoretical, Methodological and Conceptual Issues
- Culture, civilisation and development
- Culture, science, and technological development
- Culture and gender studies
- Culture, law, and legal system
- Culture and Security
- Culture and economic development
- Culture and politics
- Culture, environment, and climate change
- Culture, migration, and settlement patterns
- Culture, religion, and festivals
- Culture and Diaspora
- Culture and tourism
- Culture, social lifestyle, fashion, music, entertainment, and drama
- Culture and conflict resolution in contemporary Nigeria
- Culture, health, education, and other infrastructural development
- Cultural diplomacy
- Digitalisation of Nigerian art and craft, culture, and monuments

Note: Contributors are at the liberty to structure their topics
within the context of the themes, sub-themes or create related themes
and sub-themes within the context of the book. Due to the important
nature of culture to nation building and the topics involved the
editors wish to produce the book in two (2) volumes.

Guidelines and Important Information

Each potential contributor should submit an abstract of between 250
and 300 words as well as a complete paper electronically to
nigerianculturebook2...@gmail.com before or on 25th September, 2020.
The accepted and corrected paper of not more than 5000 words prepared
as Microsoft Word document should include author’s name, title of the
paper, institutional affiliation, email address, phone number. The
corrected and clean copies of the article should therefore be
forwarded to the editors through the above email not later than 25th
October, 2020. Papers should be in British English, Times New Roman,
12 Font Size, 1.5-line spacing and should conform to the Modern
Language Association (MLA) Style (footnotes and Bibliography). A
short bio-data of not more than 100 words should be submitted along
with the paper. Each paper/chapter will undergo series of screening
and blind peer review.

The following conditions are expected to be met before the successful
papers could be published:

a. That you address all necessary corrections within the stipulated
period and send back a clean copy electronically.

b. Referencing style and documentation acceptable by the publishers
and editors is MLA Chicago Manual Style. All notes should be in
footnotes and must be original written in clear-cut terms and sources
properly acknowledged. Tables, plates, maps, and figures should be
acknowledged in the text.

c. That the book will be published by a credible publishing outfit in


Ranti Ojo, PhD
University of Abuja, Nigeria

Saibu Israel Abayomi
Anchor University Lagos, Nigeria


Saibu Israel Abayomi
Department of History and Diplomatic Studies
Anchor University
Lagos, Nigeria
Email: adesa...@gmail.com


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