Dear Subscribers,

InterPhil's hosting provider disappeared from the market – without
any prior notification. The previous list server actually is down
since several days. Our attempts to contact the provider in order to
save at least the latest configuration were not successful. The Public
Prosecution Service is informed, but will not be able to help in a
technical sense. So we had to reconfigure the list on a new server,
on the basis of a local backup from several month ago. This means,
latest comings and goings on the list are not reflected.

If you had unsubscribed recently, we ask you to simply unsubscribe
again. If you had subscribed recently and read this message in our
list archive, please simply subscribe again:

All other subscriptions should be restored well, but better check
your subscription options.

We are very sorry for this incident and apologise for any
inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,
Bertold Bernreuter

Listmaster of InterPhil
News from Intercultural Philosophy


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