
Call for Publications

Theme: Mathias Risse and Gabriel Wollner's On Trade Justice
Publication: Moral Philosophy and Politics
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 31.1.2021


International trade has become one of the focal points among the
different subfields of global justice in recent years. While it is
obvious that trade has important ramifications for both the relative
positions of states and for the levels of individual welfare
attainable in these states, our perspective on the normative
dimensions of trade depends on how we frame the issues.

Mathias Risse and Gabriel Wollner’s 2019 book “On Trade Justice – A
Philosophical Plea for a New Global Deal” represents an important
contribution to this ongoing and highly relevant debate. Their
analysis of trade as one “ground” of justice employs an account of
exploitation to identify unjust trade practices as well as to
formulate a series of principles and obligations of trade justice.
The duty-bearers of trade justice, they argue, include both states
and corporations.

Moral Philosophy and Politics invites contributions on trade justice
that pick up themes from Risse and Wollner’s book. These themes
include, but are by no means limited to the following questions:

- What is the relationship between a theory of trade justice and an
  overall theory of global justice and its other dimensions?

- Do instances of exploitation exhaust the injustices in the context
  of trade?

- How does an account of trade justice centred on a concept of
  exploitation relate to an account that focuses on the distribution
  of the gains from trade? Are the two mutually exclusive, in tension,

- What role for humanist versus associativist principles of justice
  in a theory of trade justice?

- Who are the duty bearers of trade justice?

- If the duty bearers of trade justice include both states and
  corporations, how do their respective duties relate to one another?

- How does the current world trade regime of the World Trade
  Organization fare when analysed through the prism of trade justice?
  How could and should it be reformed?

- What are the obligations of states to compensate the losers of
  trade injustice?

- When, why, and for whom can relocation decisions of multinational
  corporations be considered unjust?

- What, if any, specific issues arise in trading with authoritarian
  states, and how should one respond to them?

- Is the absence of exploitation sufficient to guarantee a
  level-playing field in international trade?

Papers should be submitted before January 31, 2021 and should be
between 3000 and 8000 words in length. All submissions will undergo
MOPP’s double-blind refereeing process. Please note that this process
is not organized by the guest editor but by the journal’s founding
editors who will also have the final word on publication decisions.

The journal’s manuscript submission site can be accessed here:

Guest editors:
Peter Dietsch (Université de Montréal)
Frank J. Garcia (Boston College Law School)

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