
Call for Papers

Theme: Philosophy in/on Translation
Type: Online Symposium
Institution: Zentrum für Translationswissenschaft, Universität Wien
   School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies,
University of East Anglia
   British Centre for Literary Translation
Location: Online
Date: 9.–10.9.2021
Deadline: 12.3.2021


There is increasing interest in the links between philosophy and
translation. What sort of problems arise when translating philosophy
from one language to another? What have philosophers said about
translation? What are they saying about it today? How can translation
scholars join the debate? Can there be a philosophy of translation?
What is the state of the untranslatability debate?

Keynote speakers:

Duncan Large
Professor of European Literature and Translation, University of East
Anglia, UK Academic Director, British Centre for Literary Translation

Helena Franco Martins
Associate Professor of Literary and Translation Studies, Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CNPq researcher

We invite abstracts for presentations on any topic about philosophy
in/on translation.

The deadline for abstracts is Friday 12 March 2021.

Only registered participants will be granted access to the symposium.
Register here by Friday 30 April 2021:

The symposium is organised by Alice Leal (University of Vienna,
Austria) and Philip Wilson (University of East Anglia, UK). If you
have any queries, please write to: transphil2...@univie.ac.at

For further information, please visit our website:


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