
Call for Publications

Theme: Social Identity between Racisms and Hybridizations
Publication: P.O.I – Points of Interest
Date: Issue No. 2/2021
Deadline: 30.6.2021


The biannual journal P.O.I – Points of Interest invites submissions
from scholars in philosophy and related disciplines for its
forthcoming II/2021 issue. Contributions should address the theme of
the issue, on the basis of one or more of the proposed topics, and
should conform to the criteria and terms indicated below.

The issue of the relations between different identity groups is,
without doubt, one of the central questions in philosophical
reflection on politics and morality in the modern and contemporary
world. One could ask, first of all, whether a shared social identity
– one based on precise elements of cultural homogeneity – is, in
effect, a necessary precondition for modern political regimes, as the
famous nation/state hendiadys suggests, and as many other
constitutions still today suggest; and, secondly, what, then, is the
nature of this “precondition”: a pre-existing resource, produced by
history, or rather a performative effect of specific acts of
political legitimation? The first hypothesis finds support in the
frequent failures of “assimilationist” policies and in the spread of
political languages based on the corporealization of social identity.
At the moment in which “difference” is visually revealed through the
colour of the skin, religious rituals, forms of dress, and food
customs, political games of discrimination are triggered. But is it
an issue to be framed psycho-anthropologically, or rather one to be
interpreted in relation to the crisis-processes of political
representation and the state-society mediation? The outcomes of the
“ethnic cleansing” of the twentieth Century and of the early-2000s,
the complex dynamics of the emergence from colonialism, and the
failure of cultural struggles against racial prejudice in Western
countries suggest that there is a very complex underlying problem
involving both the model of the nation-state with its originary
limits (and hence the impossibility of universalism), and, at the
same time, the objective difficulties of replacing this model with a
more-than-merely-abstract bond. What kind of social identity could be
proposed, then, to go beyond that of the “nation” and the “people,”
finally reconciling the imperatives of coexistence and hybridization
between different groups with the multiplicity of underlying

We welcome submissions on all topics related to the theme. The
following is a list of possible topics that could be explored:

- Forms of collective identity in the modern age and their
  ambivalences: what creates a “people” and a common or shared

- The issue of race and the relation between the concepts of “race,”
  “people,” “nation”: structurally diverse concepts or variants of one
  same model?

- The issue of collective identity in post-imperial and post-colonial
  political contexts

- The phenomenon of migrations and the crisis of the nation-state

- Reflections on hybridization processes and the related moral

Guidelines and terms for submission:

- Submissions should be preceded by an abstract (approximately
  2000-characters, including spaces; approximately 350-400 words),
  which will be pre-evaluated by the editorial staff for relevance to
  the Call for Papers.

- The deadline for receipt of abstracts is June 30th, 2021.
  Communication of decisions regarding the outcome of submissions will
  take place after that date. Authors of accepted abstracts will then
  have until September 30th, 2021 to submit the full version of their
  paper (20,000-60,000-characters, including spaces; approximately
  3,500-10,500 words).

- Contributions must be of original, unpublished work, and must not
  be under consideration by other journals.

- Submissions in the following languages are accepted and will be
  considered: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish.

- The journal employs a double-blind peer review process.
  Accordingly, the author’s name and any affiliation must appear only
  once in the paper, under the article’s title. The full version of
  the paper should include an abstract in English (max. 1500
  characters, including spaces; approximately 250 words), and 5
  keywords in English.

Editorial guidelines can be found at the following link:

Submissions should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Journal website:


InterPhil List Administration:

InterPhil List Archive:


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