
Call for Publications

Theme: Nationalism and Rationality
Publication: Danish Yearbook for Philosophy
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 1.6.2021


This special issue of the Danish Yearbook of Philosophy will review
themes relating to the rational basis of nationalist positions, the
role of nationalist perspectives in political deliberation and
collective epistemic processes, the epistemic and wider rational
significance of national perspectives and differences, and the role
of nationalist arguments and nationalist rhetoric in political life.
The current Covid-19 pandemic and the different ways in which
nation-states have responded to it, further underline the importance
of these issues.

Mainstream liberal thought arguably shows a curiously divided
attitude towards national identities and nationalist politics. On the
one side it often rebukes nationalist politics on the international
scene, seeing it as a vicious expression of reactionary instincts,
populist xenophobia, and kitschy nostalgia. It emphasizes the
short-sightedness and utopian nature of political projects based on
the protection and/or resurrection of sovereign nation states. And it
frequently associates nationalism with outdated modes of social
organization, chauvinism, and authoritarian forms of government. On
the other hand, many mainstream liberals advocate the individual’s
right to a national identity and the expression thereof, not least
for members of minority nations within multinational political
entities. Some also see nationalist perspectives as epistemically
valuable standpoints and sources of authentic experience. It has even
been argued that the illiberal perspectives of actual conservative
nationalists provide an epistemically valuable challenge to
mainstream academic views and arguments, which cannot be replicated
by liberals playing the devil’s advocate. Nevertheless, it is hard
not to recognize a growing divide within many modern states between a
cosmopolitarian bureaucratic, academic and financial elite versus a
far more nationally oriented general population. And, for better or
worse, the nation-state has emerged as a resilient potent symbol and
catalyst of political engagement, even in an age rife with
federations, alliances, and international agreements.

The current special issue aims to collect research articles on
nationalism and rationality, including, but not limited to the
following topics:

- Nationalist ideology and cognitive bias
- The nation-state and the need for rational responses to
  international health crises
- The nation-state and the need for rational responses to
  international political challenges
- Nationalist identity and human rights
- Nationalist rhetorics and its significance
- Cosmopolitanism in the age of neo-nationalism
- The ethics of nation-building and nation-dismantlement
- National identity and standpoint epistemology
- National identity and world citizenship
- The construction of national identity in the education system
- The challenges of political deliberation in multinational states
- Nationality, multinationalism, and human flourishing
- The need for nationalist perspectives at the level of supernational
  political deliberation

Deadline for submissions: June 1st, 2021.

Guidelines for submissions at the journal’s home page:

For this special issue we shall accept submissions in English only.

Articles for publication in Danish Yearbook of Philosophy should be
submitted via the online submission system Editorial Manager. Please
click here to submit a manuscript:

Confirmed contributors:
Prof. Lisa Bortolotti, Birmingham
Prof. Nenad Miscevic, Maribor & CEU
Assoc.Prof. Sune Lægaard, Roskilde

Guest editors:
Lasse Nielsen & Nikolaj Nottelmann, University of Southern Denmark

Danish Yearbook of Philosophy is an electronic and print
peer-reviewed journal founded in 1964. It is now published annually
by Brill for The Danish Philosophical Association. Reflecting the
broad interpretation of philosophy institutionalized at Danish
Universities, the Yearbook aims to cover as broad a philosophical
ground as possible in relation to philosophical schools, styles and


Lasse Nielsen, Associate Professor
Department for the Study of Culture
University of Southern Denmark
Email: lass...@sdu.dk


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