
Call for Papers

Theme: The Meaning of Cultural and Religious Identity in the Process
of Globalization
Type: International Conference
Institution: Atma Jaya Catholic University
   Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University (UIN)
   Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)
Location: Jakarta / Bandung (Indonesia)
Date: 12.–13.7.2021 / 14.–15.7.2021
Deadline: 5.4.2021



More than a mechanistic integration in a new political strategy and a
new market and culture of trade and finance, globalization is a
learning process in which we are called to understand our humanity
that goes beyond our geographical barrier and ethnicity. Within this
general understanding of global human solidarity the conference will
centered on the theme of the meaning of cultural and religious
identity in these global times. The goal is to explore a deep
understanding of religion and culture and their identities, to
identify the possibility of having dialogue with other cultures and
religions, and to look into conditions for coexistence in pursuing
the good life both individually and collectively. Each cultural
tradition, religion and civilization are invited to provide its own
insight to build a global world with some common understanding of

In responding to this global challenge, the conference will attend to
the following sub-themes:

- The problem of cultural and religious identity
- The role of religion and culture in developing a global ethics
- Understanding of the good life
- Human flourishing in cultural and religious tradition
- Democracy, economic integration and international solidarity


Please send 300 words and a brief CV to Michael Dua
[michael....@atmajaya.ac.id], Nurrohman Syarif
[nurroh...@unisgd.ac.id], and [cua-...@cua.edu] by April 5, 2021.
Full paper sent by June 20, 2021  will be considered to be published
by the RVP in its publication series "Cultural Heritage and
Contemporary Change."


There is no registration fee. Participants (or their institutions)
will cover their own travel and other expenses. The local organizers
will provide accommodations during the conference.


Michael Dua
Center for Philosophy and Ethics
Atma Jaya Catholic University
Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: michael....@atmajaya.ac.id

Nurrohman Syarif
Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University (UIN)
Bandung, Indonesia
Email: nurroh...@unisgd.ac.id

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